I 27F met this guy 30 M on tinder and we dated more than half year. Well this was a typical story where in the snd he only viewed me good enough for sex. I felt that I really treated him nicely, communicated, didn’t played any games and over did my best. I even helped him with some of his personal stuff. And it still wasn’t enough. In the end he told me that he doesn’t see me seriously and doesn’t want a relationship with me. We ended it and I know he’s back in OLD and I feel completely devastated. I never had a heartbreak like this. I hardly get up from bed, I don’t want anything to do and it’s summer. I used to really love summers. I started therapy but it’s only been 2 times. I try to go out with friends but most of them are in super happy relationships and it’s super hard to be around them right now. I know I need time but right now I feel like it will never be okay, I won’t be happy in life. And it’s been 2 months. What can I do?

  1. I’m here to tell you it will be okay. This is literally the story of my life, but I’ve eventually gotten over it every time. You just need to let your feelings run their course. Cry, get mad and then put yourself back out there. Don’t stop living your life. In doing that you’re letting them win. Find someone who truly loves you and will give you the attention you deserve. Wishing you happiness and healing 🫂😊

  2. You simply get up and tell yourself that you won’t waste another day giving him more than you have already.

    Think of it this way, he got what he wanted, left you heartbroken and he moves on and creates something for himself. While you’re laying there keeping yourself in the same position, it’s not fair!

    Give yourself a specific time, a day or so and then you change your focus, do something good for yourself, meet new people, whatever it takes to get out of that state you’re in. It’s not healthy.

    Tell yourself that you deserve better and now that you will overcome this, if you choose to.

    Best of luck, from someone who was where you are a month ago

  3. Sorry it didn’t work out. Try having those conversations earlier on in the relationship to find out what he’s looking for, then you won’t waste anymore time than you have to. Also, sex is not love. I can’t stress that enough. It’s necessary for a healthy, monogamous relationship,but it’s not love. When somebody cares about you and they have your back, that’s love. Sex is just the icing is the cake, and since that’s the case, trying to attract them with that is not going to work long term. The other commenters are right. Move on. And try to be a bit more discerning when choosing your partner. You might try dating IRL since most people now view dating apps for h00kup only. Good luck.🍀

  4. Focus on the good: you did your best. It hurts that it didn’t work out but it’s not the end of the world and now you’re free. Maybe try asking for exclusivity and commitment sooner next time? And, in the meantime, get immersed in hobbies or something.

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