What was one of the least obvious hints you got from a girl, who you found out later liked you?

  1. She kept on tapping me each time she saw me. I thought it was weird but I didn’t have any game that time so was oblivious to the whole thing. Now that I think about it, I wonder how many others I missed. Wish women were straight forward.

  2. Asked me over to read a book in the middle of the night. I told her off harshly …

  3. She always had her clothing parcels delivered to my place. Would come to my place to collect them , model them for my opinion and then leave. 3 years later she became my wife !!!!

  4. I should have known this one woman liked me from the way she avoided eye contact and made zero effort to talk to me.

    The only reason I found out was because we matched on a dating app. The date wound up being one of the worst I’ve ever had.

  5. According to her, she gave me a couple opportunities to ask her out. There were a few moments where it would just be me and her.

    And I was there thinking, if you liked me, couldn’t you just ask me out instead?

  6. I knew a girl that was extremely mean to me, not in a malicious way or anything. We were actually good friends and joked around a lot. But she was always so critical of me that I thought she found me annoying. Turns out she had a massive crush on me and that is how she showed it.

  7. I’m pretty sure I’ve never been flirted with. And if I was, nobody ever told me. For a while I just kind of brushed it off but I’m 30 now, still never dated and it’s starting to get to me

  8. She never talked to me, and after high school let me know we should meet up because she always had a crush on me.

    So I guess least obvious to most obvious lol.

  9. Almost missed an entire year of high school because of my health. Girl ( that liked me) delivered me copies of every class, with extra notes about what the teachers added during class. Managed to finish the year ( with better grades than the girl ). Only found out a year later that she had done it because she liked me.

  10. Freshman year in college. She lived down the hall. One night, when everyone knew my roommate was out traveling, she “lost” her room key and asked if she could sleep in my roommate’s bed. I said sure. In the middle of the night, she climbed in bed with me.

    I was dating my future wife and didn’t think anything of it other than that she must be cold.

    …. OK, so maybe it was actually a pretty obvious hint 😂

  11. I had a pool table and she kept inviting herself over to play. I had no clue she was into me because I’d known her for a while and our friend group sometimes played pool together so I thought she just wanted to play pool.

  12. Junior high. She was always shy around me. End of year I was moving to a new state, she flat out said “I want you to fuck me”

    I was only 13 at the time, massive shock and told her NO.

  13. Took me into the bathroom to guard the door because it had no lock. Asked me to come inside instead of waiting outside, we then had a 5 minute convo with her completely naked before she actually had to pee which I took as confirmation that it was her only intention all along

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