So i have this problem when i meet some guy with other girl, and they like not couple, just like some sort of pals, friends you know, i tend to feel like i disturb them or that other girl dont want my company. There were situations where actually i felt like girl gave guy more attention that to me and i didnt have chance to know her. And it’s hard like when they have this flirty banter and other girl is like idk more confident, use dark humour or just like drinks more/smokes more, you know seem cooler, i feel like i compare

Recently i try to get to know people who i feel comfortable with. I try to just treat myself with kindness, and give myself some self love but i have moments of doubt. I try not to like rant to my friends like i done before when i was frustrated and just felt so jealous of others, i think i’m doing small steps but i just want to know how to stop comparing

1 comment
  1. You described literally every interaction I had with a woman in 2022.Personally, I gave up, realizing there was no point investing my energy in someone who isn’t interested in me beyond the acquaintance level. If someone was really interested in me, they would make an effort to get to know me more or spend more time alone with me.

    However, I would like to know the opinion of other people about how to deal with these situations.

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