To the married men, what are some tips to find the love of your life younger? As well as how do you know she’s the one?

  1. Think about what you want in a woman and then surround yourself with people of that value.

    Sooner or later you will find someone within this friend circle.

    For example- want a traditional and modest woman? Start going to church.

  2. lol nobody knows shit and who claims they do they are lying.

    when you choose a monogamous partner for life you can get lucky or unlucky.

  3. As people point out, you can never know for sure if someone is “the one”, in a fairy-tale sense. But to increase the chances you’ll meet someone with whom you have a connection and with whom you may well be happy and in love enough to settle down:

    1. Take a good hard look at the type of women you’re attracted to. For instance, are you going for high drama, high conflict types who often cheat on you or sabotage the relationship? If so, stop doing that.
    2. Think hard about your priorities. For instance, are you prioritising looks over someone who shares your values and interests, who is thoughtful and kind and is likely to see you as a long-term bet? If so try downgrading the importance of “hotness”.
    3. Be clear with yourself about what you want. Do you want kids? If so, within roughly what time frame. This will be a big thing in choosing the right woman, and her choosing you. If you don’t want kids and she does, it’s not fair to tie her down by misleading her. The same is true in reverse.
    4. Be good to your partner. Listen. Be thoughtful. Be prepred to change for her, within reason. Treat her as you would want to be treated and see if she reciprocates. This emphatically does not mean “be a doormat”.

    Good luck.

  4. Oh fuck that is such a shitty thing to do. Don’t marry young you dolt. Life life, get settled in a fun job, have lots of experience with women. Then by 28 you can marry.

  5. Advice from someone who learnt the hard way: you will not know. You will just find hopefully a decent person you can have fun with and go on from there. Then you put faith in them and see where it goes. I believe that nothing is perfect and that we often try to find something perfect because we want to be sure but there is no such thing as real certainty in life. The worst thing you can do is overthink everything instead of living your life. If I were you I would try to meet a lot of people and see who seems the most genuine person who I can laugh with. It doesn’t have to be love at first sight. Rather maybe a warm feeling that this person seems nice. Be ok with ok and learn to recognize when you are happy and need nothing more. Then you will find happiness.

  6. How to find them younger? Get out and meet/talk to people. It is a numbers game and you have to put yourself out there if you are serious about meeting someone sooner.

    How do you know she is the one? When it is no longer an option. You both have an idea of where you want to go, and it includes both of you. I do think it is important to go through some ups and downs, live together first, etc.,

  7. My family thought she was a good match many years ago…but she was a teenager when i met her and i was already 21. She didn’t interest me. We met again years later. My old school principal introduced me to one of his newest young teachers…and then i was into her…didn’t remember who she was. And now here we are engaged set to marry next autumn

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