There are so many ways people greet each other and I always feel like i mess it up whenever I go to reach their hand. There’s the bro handshake to a fist bump. What’s the best way to recover if you mess it up when meeting someone new?

  1. I mean there’s no way to instinctively know how the other person wants to greet you, but if they initiate a handshake or fist bump etc you can just meet them with the same gesture and mimic the same grip/intensity of the movement

  2. I once had an interviewer say “that was terrible, let’s try it again” didn’t know a handshake could have a do-over.

  3. Honestly, sometimes leaning into the awkwardness of it and admitting you’re not sure what to do can help, as long as you approach it with humor.

  4. You can always ask before hand like when you see the other person’s arm extending. Something like, “oh, are we handshaking right now?” And if you are uncomfortable shaking hands with a stranger, or anyone else for that matter, it’s always okay to reject the offer to handshake. “Sorry, I prefer not to shake hands but (it’s great to meet you or I really enjoyed our talk or I’m glad we came to agreement or whatever thing elicited the need for handshaking).”

  5. I look at the angle of the hand. If the fingers are pointed up, it’s a dap. If the fingers are pointed down it’s a handshake. Fingers pointed to the middle is like a fingers only dap. If their hand is closed then it’s a fist bump. That’s what I go by

  6. Socially, these days I’d dap them up or maybe fist bump, but that one id only do if you see them doing that. Professionally or formally, do a handshake, it’s not awkward.

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