What is the question you have been asked that has made you talk about yourself the most?

  1. “What video games do you play?”

    Gets me talking for a looong time lol

  2. “What are you passionate about?” Gets me on psychology, Internal Family Systems, and psychedelics lightning-quick.

    Not a common question for a new relationship though. Pretty vulnerable. When I ask it, lots of people hedge “Well, I wouldn’t say I have a real *passion*, but…”

    I wish we felt safer to be more direct more quickly!

  3. Why are you so angry and when I explained it to them they leave me alone. Because they know I have a very good reason for being so angry and yes I am in therapy

  4. What do you do?

    Because I work in the film industry, people never just let that go, they want to know what films I’ve worked on. It’s understandable but sometimes I get embarrassed because it feels like I’m showing off or banging on about my job.

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