What is something your parents taught you to do that you continue to do today?

  1. Eating is a social activity. Take your time. Sit up and look around. Don’t hunch over your plate and shovel in your food.

  2. How to buy certain foods in bulk, then pack and label it to put in the freezer for future use. I own a full sized freezer for this reason.

  3. Cut the hedges after Sankt Hans eve. Otherwise you have to cut them twice since they manage to grow back out before the Summer is over.

    Sankt Hans is the Danish version of Midsummer and it’s on June 23.

  4. To never trust a person blindly however closely related or nice they seem.

  5. If you make an appointment/commitment, you stick to it. And if you’re late/unavailable due to unforeseen events, you give notice. Unless you’re unconcious from an accident, you tell people you won’t be able to make it and apologize.

    I also try to teach my kids this.

  6. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.
    If you’re early you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late.

  7. Laundry and taxes. I wish they had taught me how to wrap Christmas presents though

  8. To regard my children as if their connection to me as adults depends on how I treat them while they’re small. They’re not obligated to me. I’m obligated to them.

  9. Vote in every election no matter what. Considering how my political views have changed they may be sorry they taught me but too late now!

  10. That kids can ruin a marriage.

    To listen carefully and speak even more carefully.

    To trust your instincts and own your mistakes.

  11. “don’t make car payments until you can auto-withdrawal all of your bills.” paid for all my reliable (honda civic) beaters with cash. haven’t had a car payment once in my life & am actually saving money atm.

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