Brown to blond or bleached. Or the other way around. I’ve read post about how girls get treated drastically different based on their hair color. Has anyone tried/noticed this before in their own experience as a man?

  1. Outside of the obvious noticing my hair is a different color I can’t really remember a big change in how people treated me. It’s been a long time and I didn’t keep my hair changed for a huge amount of time.

  2. I had bleached tips for a bit but it didn’t make a difference. I grew it out past my shoulders now and again, no difference.

  3. I’ve bleached and dyed my hair tones of times and what happens is old ladies start talking to you more

  4. I have naturally dark blond hair. I dyed it black for a year in the early 2000s. Tried to bleach it back to blond but instead ended up with this calico colour scheme going from bleached roots to orange to brown to black.

    I used blue Kool-Aid to colour my hair once, and it turned green.

    I bleached my hair platinum for about a year in the 2010s.

    No matter what I’ve done to my hair, I’ve never seen a difference in how I got treated.

  5. I always wanted to dye my hair. But even as a preteen my life has involved working in a professional setting that does not allow hair dying.

  6. Had greying.

    Usually dye before family friends event. Seems positive feedback

  7. I went blond when I was younger for a year or 2 ( super saiyan blond) but no real difference, only those who knew me treated me differently depending on if they liked it or not.

  8. I went from dark brown to almost orange red once for a couple of months. I didn’t notice any difference at all in how I was treated.

  9. My partner has had blue hair, green hair, a mohawk, bleached hair with a red stripe and now normal colour but in “Viking style” (shaved sides, long braid in the middle).

    Being treated differently (or not) has everything to do with what circles you move in. We’re both artistic, geeky metalheads. In our world, colourful hair is really common and no one even really notices it so he’s never been treated differently for it.

    Oh and it helps that we’re in the UK, where [punk culture] was huge in the 70’s and 80’s, so people are fairly used to it.

  10. A few years back I dyed my hair blue to show solidarity with my granddaughter who was getting tons of shit for doing her hair blue. I looked like a grandpa troll, but enjoyed people’s reactions.

  11. My friend is a golden blonde. He got black streaks, bleached white, dyed pink, bleach blonde, dark blonde, light brown, dark brown (looks incredible because of his deep blue eyes). He only got treated differently when his hair was pink, but a lot of people thought he was gay. The ladies though…they didn’t treat him any different

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