I’m often anxious and overthink because I don’t know how to tell when someone doesn’t like me, unless it’s very very obvious. Some people just hang around people but don’t really like them, or even look down on them. I want to know how to tell if someone doesn’t like me or isn’t interested in hanging out, when they don’t make it obvious. So that I don’t make a fool of myself.

I can tell when people like me again, if they make it very obvious, but I only really detect it when they’re very enthusiastic or even clingy. If someone is chill but likes me, I can’t interpret that.

I know I shouldn’t necessarily care but I don’t wanna invest time in people that don’t care about me.

It can be hard because some people are just hard to arrange plans with. I can be like this too because life gets in the way. But how do I know when they’re busy vs avoiding me?

Book recs are welcome!

  1. One way to tell if someone is really interested in you is, if you try to make plans with them and they say they are busy, whether they try to reschedule or come to a compromise. If you are putting in a lot of effort and they are not reciprocating or trying to plan for some other time, it’s probably best to let that ship sail.

  2. I would agree with the comment that someone who is avoiding you won’t try to reschedule with you. Is this person not rescheduling with you at the same time they’re declining the plans? At least a next open day or something? If not, I’d assume they weren’t interested.

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