I have kind of a date in an hour ima go pick up the girl we’ve been liking our stories in the past I asked her to hang out today she said yeah. So here we are any tips? Also do I pay for the check this is kind of my first date so I’m a bit unsure about the check part when we go out to eat

  1. On my first date, my ex excused himself to pay the check so there would be no awkward moments between us when it came to taking care of the bill at the table and to this day I still remember it. You should try it.

  2. Yes. Do you pay, because she is doing you the favor of hanging out with you. That’s the traditional mindset… And should be your fall back on every date. If she insists that she wants to pay or split the bill… That’s fine! But you should be prepared.

    While you’re at it, take a shower, use the odorant, be fresh and clean, and make sure your clothes aren’t wrinkled. As men, we’ve got to do better than what I’m seeing out there… Have some class, and you will blow her away, compared to the other guys out there.

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