Hey 25 M here, I haven’t really dated anyone, I haven’t really found the courage to ask anyone out or show my interest in Irl and some of my crushes are busy with their life and as far as the Instagram, I like a girl a very much, haven’t really felt like this to anyone before. It feels like a Beach breeze when I see her posts.

We had some dumb formal conversations. I don’t know she is seeing someone or something like that. How can I show my interest over her without making her uncomfortable or so. I am very bad at phrasing the words too.

I feel insecured when I want to show my interest towards any girl. Is that the fear of rejection? Or something else. If so, how can I overcome that.

Please give me some advice people. TIA

  1. I don’t have an easy solution for you. I go through what you described very often.

    You will have to shoot your shot but play it cool/casual. I’d look for an event near both of you that you think she might be interested in and ask her to go with you on a date.

    You asking isn’t going to “ruin your chances” because if she says no, that’s what your answer was going to be no matter what you said or did.

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