Hey all,

Let me start by saying I am not from America so I’m not well versed with any of this, so please excuse me for not knowing any better

I recently got some hotpot sweet potato noodles, and they have the Prop 65 warning on them indicating that consuming the product can expose me to chemicals including lead and cadmium. This is probably the first I’ve seen the warning on an actual food product, and I wondered if I needed to worry. I don’t know if the Prop 65 warning is just put on everything because I’ve heard from some that its origins was a good idea but it was poorly executed. I just need to know if because this is on a food I plan to eat if maybe I should avoid doing so, thanks in advance!

  1. They have a whole website that helps break everything down, the warning could possibly be because of the packaging you got your food in. They get pretty broad and I doubt it’s in the noodles.

  2. Prop 65 is a perfect example of a good thing gone awry.

    Eat your sweet potato, it’ll be fine.

  3. https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/blog/what-is-prop-65/

    > The Prop 65 label is like a noisy alarm that rings equally loudly about smaller amounts of low-risk substances and huge amounts of potentially harmful chemicals. The labels don’t say how much of the chemical is present, or how much it would really take to make a person sick. You could get the same alarming label on potato chips (acrylamide), chemotherapy (uracil mustard), lumber (wood dust), or toxic runoff (arsenic). It’s obviously helpful to be alerted to the presence of potentially harmful chemicals. But not all doses of these different chemicals mean the same thing.

    If it’s on a food item, I wouldn’t even think about it. There are other protections in place to prevent massive amounts of arsenic being in your noodles.

  4. California would put a Prop 65 sticker on the sun if they could.

  5. No. Just ignore them like we do.

    The state of Cancer has been known to cause California.

  6. Ah, good ol’ Prop 65.

    According to the state of California, anything that comes from that state, or might need to be sold in that state, needs to have a Prop 65 warning if it might ever cause cancer.

    It’s bullhonkey because literally anything can be linked to cancer.

    California would slap a Prop 65 label on the damn atmosphere if they could find a place to put a sticker. After all, 100% of people who’ve died of cancer have been addicted to air for their entire life, right?

  7. I can honestly say I’ve never seen a prop 65 sticker on food.

    It’s likely that the ink used for the text on the sticker is more hazardous than the food.

    I wouldn’t worry about it.

  8. I remember reading the MSDS on a concrete patching compound, which warned that it contained chemicals that were “known to the state of California to cause cancer.” The culprits? Ethanol (the active ingredient in beer, wine, and liquor) and silica (sand). God help you if you’re relaxing on the beach sipping a beer.

  9. The cancer warning is put up for anything that causes even slightly higher rates on cancer. The way they determine it is by taking mcie that are bred to get cancer really quickly, then split them into groups to look for a fraction of a percent more cancer

  10. Hell no. Prop 65 was a great idea, with piss poor execution. Now everything even remotely associated with California gives you cancer apparently.

  11. It’s on so many things that I just completely ignore it. Everything is potentially cancer-causing, if you look hard enough.

  12. No. It’s just something weird California does. Their threshold for a Prop 65 warning is comically low.

  13. Every American in every state is exposed to a metric shit ton of chemicals that could potentially cause cancer. The only difference is that Californians are always conscious about it, to the point where it positively affects lifestyle changes

  14. Lol no. Proposition 65 is a law in California that requires businesses to disclose cancer risks. The problem with the law is, there’s a lot of things that have a remote possibility of causing cancer. It’s just another thing out of the far left government of California that everybody ignores.

    There’s a higher probably of you getting stuck by lightning in the desert than you getting cancer from your noodles.

  15. I ignore the California warning labels. I also rip off the mattress labels. So I guess I am a bit of a wild child.

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