Just assuming shit cause we not out here just talking about every little thing in the world.

Like I’ve never been a super talkative person unless I feel comfortable around the person if not I’m not saying crud and the fact people just assuming stuff anyway not helping the issue.

Like I wish I was the life of the party but I’m not and shouldn’t be ostracized do to that fact if you talk to me I’ll talk back if you need help I’ll help you I don’t see why me not talking about some random pair of shoes I personally don’t even think look good worth talking about.

1 comment
  1. People will always assume that way. I saw a video recently about psychology and why people pick certain things. The example used was “Imagine youre trying to choose a restaurant to eat at, you come across 2, both the same size, and serve the same foods. One has only one table occupied, and the other is almost at capacity. Which would you assume is the better option?”. The point being that based off of looks alone, you can probably figure out what most people would choose. So if you look anti-social, you will probably live an anti-social life. And if you have accepted that you are, then you should accept that this is the initial thought that MOST people will think. You say you wish you could be the life of the party, so I would say practice being more social. Social skills are learned, no one is just born with them.

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