Recently had a great date with a guy who was in my city for work. We only met on the last night he was in town, but it was the best first date I had in a while, I felt comfortable with him, had great conversation and similar sense of humor, and we slept together.

It’s been a couple weeks. We’ve texted a bit since. We both agreed we want to see each other again. He’s said that he is sure he will be in my area again soon, and that we will meet up again. I’m not expecting this to turn into a relationship, though I am open to it. I just had fun with him and want to explore more. He lives a 5 hour train ride/ >1 hour flight away. I have a few friends in his city that I could go visit, and a place to stay there. Would it be crazy of me to plan a trip up there, where I could explore the city and also see friends, with the hope of reaching out and seeing him? My concern is that if he actually really wanted to see me again, he should be the one flying down to see me? I don’t mind doing the work here so to speak (I don’t like being passive) but in my experience when I have, it usually ends up with him not being that into me. And I also don’t want it to come across as too intense?

  1. If you think you have a great connection. Meet him. I wouldnt do any of that, if I were you, but what even means crazy nowadays.

  2. Personally I wouldn’t. Could it be the best date ever because you want something you haven’t got easy access to? Can you do long distance in the long term? To be honest I even think it’s silly for him to date far from his hometown as if it’s an experiment.

    Seems a bit extreme to me and it seems like you are pursuing him which is not ideal in my personal preference.

  3. I would do it, otherwise you’ll always wonder & end up drunk texting them one night telling them you regret it & end up making plans to do it anyways down the road. Or it’ll be too late & he’ll be taken.

  4. I think you guys live too far away from each other to think that “if he actually wanted to see me again, he should be the one” traveling. It’s kind of an unrealistic expectation in my opinion. These ones always kind of confuse me because are there not men in your area that you could date? I feel like you are trying to enter a relationship that already has a massive obstacle.

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