What does it mean when a woman reads a text and doesn’t respond?

  1. She saw your text at an inopportune time and might get back to it later if and when she remembers

  2. She might be occupied with other things and thought I’ll respond later.

  3. Women are not a hivemind. It can be so many things from her being busy, to her not wanting to, to her wanting to do it later, to her generally being uninterested and so on; just like it could for a man not responding. Completely depends on the individual and their personal reason.

  4. It could mean almost anything, in the same way a man reading a text and not responding could mean almost anything. Maybe she’s busy. Maybe she knows you’d want a conversation if she responded and is waiting for a good time. Maybe she forgot to respond. Maybe she doesn’t feel like talking right now. Maybe she isn’t into you. Maybe what you said made her feel uncomfortable.

    I think overall, we all need to give other people leeway with communication. Expecting instant responses puts everyone in a difficult position.

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