What do you do to get the most out of your mental health days?

  1. Whatever I want. I literally just follow my whims. I find that helps me most of when I take a mental health day.

  2. Try to get some sunshine unless it’s rainy, then I make something hot and delicious. Go to the gym or do a hardcore workout set at home. Read my Bible, pray, cocoon myself in a blanket and play Skyrim. Eat junk and diet Coke.

  3. Turn my phone off, stay off my computer, and do the hobbies that bring my joy. Reading, walking, gardening, whatever I’m in the mood for.

  4. I sleep, I play video games, I knit, I cook/bake, I garden, I go for a walk, I netflix. Sometimes I do all of those things. Sometimes I do one of those things.

  5. Try to get outside and away from junk dopamine like my phone and computer. If I have no mental energy just moving myself outside for a bit is helpful.

  6. Delete my social media apps. Go for a long walk. Listen to a record all the way through. Read. Play the new Zelda game (it’s so much fun!). Watch films I’ve watched a hundred times before. Eat whatever I like. Have a nap. Don’t set myself any tasks except for what’s well within my capabilities that day.

  7. Try to get *something* productive done around the house. Folding laundry, cleaning the kitchen, etc. That way I can enjoy the free time without feeling like I wasted the day.

  8. Mental health days are for the purpose of emotionally resetting, so I don’t view it with a productivity mindset. What I get done and what I choose to do is what I needed – there’s no “making the most” out of it.

    Sometimes I’m just doom scrolling tiktok and ordering in my meals, sometimes I clean my house top to bottom. It’s whatever the body wants.

  9. anything that helps ease my anxiety. that could be sleeping, watching shows by myself, crying, reading, anything really.

    on mental health days i try not to limit myself or give myself a set schedule because it just stresses me out more and to me it’s supposed to be about reconnecting with myself

  10. Mental health days for me are errand days. I feel best mentally when I’m completing productive tasks, with small breaks to have a coffee, read or enjoy sunshine. Having no goals in a day leaves me frustrated and empty.

  11. For me, it helps to plan activities in advance. I try to prioritize exercise, getting outside, and going out into the world. I took a mental health day last Friday and went to the gym, to a local botanic garden to read and journal, and then went to a museum. But sometimes it’s good just to plan to stay home and order yummy takeout!

  12. Let myself not feel guilty if I don’t get anything done and sit around all day. Sometimes I really do need a day where I’m not obligated to do anything.

  13. I try to watch some happy movies.
    Mostly animation movies which I’ve already watched.
    I try to paint or draw, I listen to some music, I try baking too. Some brownies can fix little bit of sadness

  14. I focus on my mental health:

    * Sleep in

    * Clean up a little, because a clean space soothes my mind

    * Get out in nature

    * So much rest

  15. I value my alone time a lot, I need it to recharge. A mental health day for me would be solitude and following my mood. Sometimes, I prefer to hide and watch a comfort TV show. Other times, I like to listen to music and clean or play video games. I just let my mind lead and rest how I feel like that day.

  16. I take naps throughout my day, watching things that are funny and make me laugh, and to make sure that I eat hearty meals.

    That way, the next day when I return to work, I will have rested, released away from me the stress hormone cortisol, and gave my body the necessary fuel to provide me with energy.

  17. Comfort food, naps, and my favorite hobby. I’ll try to get outside for a walk as well go improve my mood, but if it makes me feel better to play video games on the couch for 8 hours then so be it, outside be damned.

  18. Honestly.. just rest. Sit in my favorite spot on the couch with some tea and snacks and decompress with a good show/movie.

    Or I do a me day. Wander garden shops see if anything catches my eye. Some gardening and yard work, then get inside for some takeout.

  19. I try to get a few things done in the morning, get outside, and then I give myself the rest of the day to just lay around.

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