1 being not at all, 10 being soul-crushing loneliness.

I am just noticing that soooo many people are really lonely and seeking connection wherever they can get it – even the people who are pretty socially active, have relationships or kids or family, let alone those who are more isolated.

  1. Definitely a 1. But my loved ones do a good job about making me feel heard, seen, and validated. Plus I like myself so being physically alone doesn’t bother me, I just get bored after a few days.

  2. One, easily. I have a wonderful SO, a family who’s close and involved in my life, friends at work and outside too.

  3. Like an 8? I don’t know. I genuinely don’t have anyone at all. But at the same time I’m pretty used to it.

  4. Ehhh, 3/10? My only complaint is really that almost everyone lives so far away, which makes get-togethers not happen as often as they would if we all lived at the same place. While the majority of my need for social interaction and energy is met through concerts, clubbing, going out eating, drinking, shopping or just hanging around crowded places, I’m still extroverted and I still have some need to see people I know.

  5. Like a 3? I go on regular adventures with my daughter around the city when I’m not working or engaging in my hobbies. But sometimes I want to snog or cuddle. But I’m terrible at maintaining relationships so then I get anxious when I remember that in between snogging I’d have to like…*talk* with and engage with that partner so it chills me out pretty quickly.

  6. Probably a 6? I’ve moved a lot these last few years. I have a few friends, but they’re mostly with men in another city, so I rarely get to see them. I’m close with my boyfriend and my family, but I definitely wish I had more female friendships. I truly long for the warmth and comfort I have with my best girl friend who is hundreds of miles away. As much as I do cherish my friends who are men, there is something so wholesome and loving about healthy friendships with other women. It’s really peaceful and I can feel the effects on my mental health when those friendships wax and wane.

  7. I would want to say between a seven or eight. besides my mother and my older sister I don’t have any friends outside of that circle. I tried to make friends at one point, but you run into people that really don’t care about you. So now it’s just me and my cat🤣

  8. 1, or even 0 tbh. I don’t know if I even have the capacity to feel lonely lol it’s a foreign concept to me.

  9. 3? I’ve got a full life and I don’t need people in it to make it feel fulfilled

  10. 6 maybe? I feel like I have a lot of friends to do different activities with, but I don’t have many close friends – the sort that you can just text about random stuff all day long, talk to about more personal things, go on trips with, etc.

  11. 10

    I just got back from a Europe trip with my mom and grandmother, I have a fiancé, and we just bought a new house.

    But the love of my life and I are not together.

    I grew up in a blended family and I hated it. Made the vow I would never be part of one again. I got together with my ex 8 years ago on Valentine’s Day. We were eloping. A week before a girl came forward, she was pregnant from their hook up at new years. I let him go, he begged me to stay but I couldn’t break my vow.
    It’s been 8 years and we are still in love. I told him that we have to let go, I need to move on and start my own family. He said I broke his heart and he’ll wait for me to change my decision.

    I’m moving into my new house at the end of the month and I can only think about how unhappy I am without him. It’s not fair to my fiancé. But I can’t be with the one I truly love. Honestly, I feel like no one understands the whole situation and how I feel. And I feel sorry for myself, my fiancé, my ex. I just feel lonely with the decision I’ve made that affects everyone.

  12. Usually above 5 but this playlist, lemon skunk, and avocado toast hittin’ so. 🤷‍♀️

  13. it depends honestly. loneliness comes to me in the form of overthinking while being all by myself but once i come out of it, i don’t feel lonely anymore. ik it sounds weird but yeah sometimes it’s 3 for me and sometimes it’s 8 and it keeps changing

  14. 10. I might have to adjust that to an 11. I don’t have a single person in my life to talk to or hang out with. The only people I talk to are related to me and that’s because they tolerate me, not that they actually like me. I genuinely only have me and I don’t even like myself. The only reason I could think of for all of this is my face? I’m just so ugly that it repels anyone from ever talking to me or responding to me. It’s especially brutal being in college, but it is what it is.

  15. Like a 6/7. I don’t have a big family at all, my only immediate family is my mom who I have a rocky relationship with. I’m still healing from and processing a lot of events from my childhood, so I’m not at a place where I can be very close with her. I really have no friends and barely anyone I would even consider an acquaintance at this point. I have a lot of love in my life from my mom, my boyfriend, and my baby but I definitely feel like something is missing. Not on a social crushing level though, I’m very okay with loneliness and being alone.

  16. Probably a 3. I’m super introverted and while I wish I had a few more friends I don’t think I can mentally handle that.

  17. 7 or 8

    didn’t receive any love from parents and in order to get away from them I got into arranged marriage (common in my country) with a good person who’s a good company and great co-parent but there’s no love (lot of respect and compassion).

    Because of dad’s job we moved a lot hence never developed long lasting friendships. I used to feel really lonely but recently I learnt about power of faith and how I am connected to universe and as corny as it may sound for the first time in my life I feel safe and secure that somebody (universe) got my back and I belong to someone (universe/supreme power)

  18. Like a 6 probably. I wish I had friends that I could share my hobbies with. Like, there’s this amazing craft show in New York every year that I would LOVE to go to, but I’m not going to drag my husband when he wouldn’t have any fun, but I also don’t want to go alone.

    I love the people in my life and I wouldn’t replace any of them. But it would be cool to be able to share my stuff with someone.

  19. Probably a 7. I haven’t had a friend in about a decade, and I’ve never had a boyfriend or any kind of romantic anything. I have my family, and I don’t take that for granted, but I wish I had people who I could truly be myself with in ways I can’t with my family. And more than that, I want a partner to share my life with.

    The tough part is that at this point, I’ve been solitary for so long that I really don’t have the basic skills to put myself out there and try to make friends. I have that way about me that super introverted people have where you either forget they’re there entirely or you assume they would hate to be spoken to. But I don’t hate it, I’m just so used to falling in that category. And if I ever try to break out of that, I just come across as weird and awkward, like the social equivalent of a baby impala.

    It also really annoys me when people portray the loneliness epidemic as something exclusively affecting men. There are lonely women out there, too, we just internalize that experience rather than externalizing it and killing people….

  20. Actually 0 but it has not always been that way. A few years ago I was unhappily married and did not have the energy socialize except for family things with my exs relatives. I was probably depressed but I never understood it so I never saught help. Since my divorce I have turned my life around and even though I am single, I have very good friends, a wonderful sister and Im dating someone who feels very right. Im alone in my apartment right now (except for the cats) but I know a friendly voice is just a phone call away.

  21. 1 definitely. I have an amazing SO and I’m at a point in life where I don’t feel the need or want for any other friends. I’m happy with my pets and I genuinely dislike people in general, so I’m happiest without them in my life

  22. I guess 2/3 – I am pretty happy and don’t feel lonely very much but I do wish more of the people I cared about lived closer to me so I could see them more often.

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