i (19F) have discovered through masturbation that i “squirt” (female ejaculation) and i really enjoy it, however it’s messy and it’s made me scared about starting to have sex with my new bf (19m)

i told him that i’m able to ejaculate bc i want to be open about sex stuff for when we start having sex and he’s totally down with the idea but i’m still nervous about it.

i don’t wanna hold back and not have an orgasm because what’s the fun in that, but i feel like i’ll just be embarrassed if i “squirt” everywhere.

when i masturbate i use a towel but i don’t know if that’s gonna be the best option for when we have sex.

i’m to embarrassed to talk to any of my friends about this and i’m not sure if anyone else i
know also “squirts”

does anyone else have this issue? what do you do during sex that helps not make the whole thing so messy?

  1. I love this. Yes put a couple of towels under you but I think it is so cool when the woman squirts while we are having sex and I feels it so warm and it splashes up from our joined groins. You may find you squirt better if he momentarily withdraws which is fine too. Yes sex is messy and messy is fun. Be yourself and enjoy.

    PS. keep an extra towel to one side in case you need it but there is something very affirming about your lover delighting in your sexual responses.

  2. First of all, it’s not an issue. It’s completely normal.
    From a male perspective, this is actually super cool and a fetiche for many, if not most man.

    As preparations go, just have a towel in bed. There are even some sex towels with extra protection to avoid getting your bed wet. I’ve become better at this as times goes by and have a nice routine for sex nowadays. You’ll get the hang of it!

  3. I dated a woman who squirted heavily – it was such a turn on for me the first time the floodgate opened, and something I enjoyed about our sex life. We sometimes used towels and other times just embraced the mess. I imagine most guys will view it positively, perhaps seeing it as an affirmation of how good they are 🙂 And because you’ve told this guy and he seems into it, I’m sure it won’t be a problem.

  4. So this issue comes up a lot and there are different concerns. There’s another post with a similar question right now, but it’s slightly different because in that question the OP doesn’t like it herself. Your question is different, it seems like your only concern is your partner’s reaction.

    He told you he’s “down with the idea” – take him at his word! MOST guys, myself included, are BEYOND thrilled by the idea. This is a non-issue. Go forth and enjoy

  5. You’re the kind of woman that men dream of.

    Only suggestion, don’t have sex in a public place. You might wet yourself and not have a change of clothes!! Lol

  6. >when i masturbate i use a towel but i don’t know if that’s gonna be the best option for when we have sex.

    Why not? The same could be done while you have sex.

    And as you’ve given him a heads up already and he said he’s not bothered by it then there’s nothing to worry about here. Just be yourself and squirt it out.

  7. Hey, it’s natural and feels good and as long as you have a discussion prior to sex, I’m sure your bf will be happy for the new (?) experience too. I dont think I’ve ever had a bad reaction from a sexual partner before.

    Just make sure you drink lots of water after the fact to replenish that hydration!

    Towels in the bedroom beforehand is a good idea, so you dont have to interrupt the mood by going to fetch towels.

    I have one of these https://splashblanket.us/
    I use them as a regular blanket/throw and I highly recommend if you can afford it!

    Good luck and enjoy your sexy super power 😉

  8. They sell waterproof blankets on Amazon for this reason. Some ppl here also mentioned towels or a waterproof mattress cover.
    Do it on the floor or slightly off of the edge of the bed, so that its easier to wipe off of the floor. Depending on the guy and being familiar with it, some can get really cleaver with minimizing the “spill over” (if you will). Sometimes things just can’t be avoided. I’ve slept on wet spots until I could revamp, and I’ve also been up at 2am changing my entire bedding, lol. Life happens. Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed by what your body does. Embrace your “talent”. Lol

  9. Many people use towels just because of normal messy sex stuff. It won’t be weird to have one. Also, just because you squirt masturbating does not mean you will squirt with him. You may not even orgasm with him. And, on that note, you really shouldn’t be jumping right into sex without first learning each other’s bodies. That would give him opportunity to understand the volume of fluid and if he really wants to go further.

  10. Girl… most men are turned on by this and make women feel ashamed for NOT squirting, which is actually the majority of women. Just enjoy yourself and be happy that you’re actually what most men want.

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