Okay, i’ve recently read a lot of posts about the differences between introversion and shy extroversion. I get that introverts need time alone to recharge, even if they have decent social skills. I also get that shy extroverts want to socialize, but they’re simply to nervous/shy/fearful to do so because of possible rejection/etc. I’m not clear as to which one I simply am, because sometimes i just feel like i can be both.

Take, for example, school. Every single day, I hang out and dedicate 100% of my time with my 2 (very close) friends; they’re practically the only friends I hang out with, and I’m more than happy with them. Never once have I thought about hanging out with other people, and to be honest, I love spending my time with 2 people rather than a larger group (I feel intimidated). However, when my friends aren’t at school, I usually just sit down and read a book.

This might seem more on the introverted side, I know. But the confusing thing is, I dislike people’s company and like it at the same time. Its really difficult to explain, but sometimes I feel like I KIND OF want to do an activity, but don’t because I’m shy. But i don’t seek at social interactions with people except for my friends. When I’m by myself I get bored, unless I read a good book which makes me really satisfied.

Sometimes I want to talk to other people (usually asking them a question, though; literally never to converse with them); I get nervous and shy because I frequently stumble on my words, and have bad social skills. Most of the anxiety I get from socializing with others is because i always mess up on my words and end up sounding stupid.

I like it when people come over to have dinner with my parents or something, and i like that tiny bit of attention if they’re relatives; otherwise I just enjoy their presence but I don’t talk with them.

I’ve always thought of myself as a shy introvert; but who knows-? Anyone have advice?

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