How are some ways you make the patriarchy work for you?

  1. I’ve yet to mow a single blade of grass or do any of the outside housework except for putting chemicals in the pool which is basically the same as adding ingredients while cooking. Not for a lack of trying, but my husband is adamant about doing things a certain way. You’ll hear no complaints from me babe

  2. My husband thinks feminiam is the w9man works outside of home *and* takes care of everything, except repairs, inside the home too(cooking,cleaning, laundry etc). I declined to “play his game” and stay home since he is unsupportive when I work.

  3. I do part-time modelling and sex work, thirsty men give me money and help give me free advertising.

  4. When a guy tries to shove me out of the way at a concert I can straight up kick him to the floor without starting a legit brawl. If he wants to make something of it then there are plenty of burly metalheads standing around happy to protect one of the few women that even showed up. Nobody steals the great view I showed up early to get, no matter who thinks they can just push me out of the way because I’m smaller.

  5. I got so tired of men who wanted a placeholder or a hookup that I stopped putting any effort into dating. I decided that any man who wanted to be with me would have to bring his best because I was done with the low effort bullshit.

    I’m now happily married to a man who properly courted me, still fawns over me and puts real effort into keeping our marriage solid.

  6. It doesn’t work for me 🤷‍♀️ I’m not a conventionally attractive woman, and I’m a lesbian. Men aren’t inclined to help me out randomly, and I don’t have any ~feminine wiles~ that can get me things I otherwise would lack. I also lack a male partner that could take on stereotypically-men’s-tasks.

    “Making the patriarchy work for you” is often a specific thing that only some women have access to, unfortunately. For many of us, the patriarchy can do nothing but hurt us.

  7. If you look at a man while moving something heavy he will come over and do it for you

  8. When I was a janitor, my boss was extremely sexist about what women could and could not do in the building for cleaning and maintenance tasks, including strict gender lines over who is cleaning which bathrooms (it was after hours, no chance someone would walk in either way), whether we’d help move all the furniture to mop if it was heavier than a dining chair, etc.

    Every Shitcasso we had in the 2 years I worked there was in the men’s bathroom. I’d never been so grateful to be a woman.

  9. I’ve gotten a lot of free stuff for no good reason from men. I clarify if they’re sure and that I’m not about to exchange anything, then enjoy the free beer/treats/tchotchkes/whatever! It’s a small tax I enjoy guilt free after dealing with garbage cat-calling, etc, my whole life.

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