I (F19) had sex like a week ago and it was pretty rough I was sore and my vagina hurt, I’m used to it hurting so I took some painkillers and the soreness settled over the next few days, then I got my period and it hurt like HELL.

For some reference my vagina never hurts during my period and now it hurts when I sit, use the bathroom, or dance which I do often because I take classes. Sex has been completely off the table since it’s started hurting. It’s sore in the same spots but just worse even wiping hurts.

I have no idea what’s wrong? Anybody got any idea?

  1. Girl, I feel you! You need to make sure you give yourself enough rest and preparation beforehand if he beats the average! I had to use toys for the longest time to get myself used to bigger guys. I also had issues when the guys just hit my cervix. NOW THAT’S A B… sometimes i started spotting randomly and had cramps really bad

    I hope this helps girl, much love

  2. Sounds like tearing, you should get checked out to be safe. Witch hazel and aloe can help heal it fast. Most witch hazel has alcohol added though so it will burn, but quickly helps skin heal.

  3. >It’s sore in the same spots but just worse even wiping hurts.

    Did you have any penetrative masturbation after that rough sex?
    And is there any visible cuts or redness down there?

  4. Since you said it was rough, there may be some tearing going on. Please get yourself checked if this feels not normal.

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