I realize that Wellbutrin (bupropion) is commonly prescribed to alleviate sexual dysfunction, but is it possible for it to have the opposite effect? Has this happened to any of you?

My partner recently started taking it and has had trouble maintaining an erection. He and I are both pretty bummed out about this. It hasn’t really been helping him with the symptoms for which it was prescribed, so he’s planning to discontinue use .

  1. Yes this is possible, anything that sufficiently fucks with your serotonin can potentially do this. At least a few poor souls in r/PSSD were hobbled by Wellbutrin

  2. It didn’t decrease my libido but I lost the ability to orgasm over time while I was on it.

    I dont think that’s a common issue but it happened.

  3. Small note: WB isn’t prescribed to alleviate sexual dysfunction. It’s an anti-depressant that, because it’s *not* an SSRI, doesn’t have the same forms of sexual side effects as SSRI-based antidepressants.

    Therefore, if someone being treated for depression says their SSRI is causing unwanted side effects, their doctor/psychiatrist may switch them over to Wellbutrin.

    In any case, if Wellbutrin is the drug *causing* sexual dysfunction, that’s really unusual but with any drug, there will always be statistical outliers. Talk to your doctor/psychiatrist and see if you need to try a different medication.

    But again: Wellbutrin is *not* associated with lowering libido. Quite the opposite.

  4. Yes, that’s one another thing wellbutrin is known for in addition to its other good effects.

  5. I am on Welbutrin (am a woman) to offset the anorgasmia caused by my other anxiety med. So far it hasn’t helped with the anorgasmia, but the reduction in stress has boosted my libido which is leading to great sex… But no orgasms. Everyone has a different experience, I know people where it killed their drive, and others who said it helped their libido. Unfortunately it isn’t a one-size fits all fix.

  6. Absolutely! Know someone personally who not only couldn’t orgasm anymore but completely lost their libido on it. Once they stopped, they slowly regained everything.

  7. As a dopamine reuptake inhibitor (as well as norepinephrine) it can assist and help libido, and often does! I love mine!!
    Buspar is similar and often is Rx’d with antidepressants to counter act negative libido effects.
    Is he on other items or does he drink/smoke? Those items can reduce libido with this drug. It’s possible but very very rare that Wellbutrin decreased it.

    For me the first 90 days were ravenous— I could pop 3-4x a day no problem. Finally leveled out and I’m still got great stamina but finally not jumping my wife every time she smiles.

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