I (14F) Just changed schools. I used to have a lot of friends in my previous school but people are harder to approach in this school. I think my insecurities cause me to be more fragile and intimidated by other friend groups since everyone here seems to have known each other for a long time and take no interest in me. I am not able to go up to people and strike up a conversation. I am insecure about most of the things I am interested in and have tried to get into more generally appealing things but it doesn’t catch my intrest. I feel bad about my appearance too because I have darker skin and I am one of the heavier girls in my class and have acne so I often wear a mask. I am horrified of being judged by people but also feel awful when no one talks to me. Please give me advice

1 comment
  1. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. When I was in middle school, I transferred schools and went from feeling confident with lots of friends to feeling like an alien who couldn’t talk to anyone. It was 100% a confidence issue which you’ve already identified, so it’s great you’ve made that first step!

    To improve your confidence, there are a few things you can do. First, focus on the things you’re good at. Are you an artist? An athlete? A coder? Are you a good singer or a creative thinker? What makes you feel awesome when you do that? Whatever it is, double down and do more of it!

    Next, try a daily practice of keeping a gratitude journal, going for walks, doing yoga, meditating, or other introspective/meditative things that keep your stress levels down and your connection to yourself up.

    Lastly, remember that even though it’s really hard and frustrating now, things will change and one day, you’ll feel better. It might take work, practice, and effort, but it sounds to me like you’re already working to improve your situation, which is amazing. You have unique things to offer the world, your thoughts and feelings are worth sharing, and you are filled with inherent worth and value, regardless of who can see that now. Keep at it! You’ll be okay.

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