How much of what you do is purely because other men do it?

  1. None. I don’t do stuff because other men do it, I do it because I enjoy it or want to do it.

  2. I may try something because someone offered out an experience to me. I may like it, I may not, but I’m not there saying “real men only put jack daniels in their coffee, put that creamer down.”

    That creamer is delicious man.

  3. Nothing I guess.
    What would be an example of this „male peer pressure“?

  4. Outside of base needs, there is literally no way that an individual would be able to tell which parts of their own behavior is due to influence or norms that we learned while growing up or anything else, since we don’t have a control group of non-influenced humans to measure ourselves against.

  5. You mean other than your mum?

    But jokes aside, probably not much. I tend to spend more time around women, and always have, so if my behaviour has been influenced in any way it’s more likely to have been by women than men.

  6. I think it depends on how you see it and why you end up doing something.

    Pretty much anything you do has already been done by someone else, by this point of view 99,9% of what you do can be because other men did it. But you can also evaluate something on your own and decide by yourself that you’re gonna do it, which will make it your decision and drop the percentage to 0% flat.

  7. Nothing, I do what feels right to me and is in line with my own values and principles

  8. None. Don’t really care what other people do in general. I do things for my enjoyment alone. Whether or not other men do it is the least of my concerns when choosing an activity. Some things I do may be more male dominated, but that is simply an issue of circumstance rather than actively seeking to do manly things.

  9. I have tried things because others were doing it, but everything I do is because I enjoy it. I got my love for the outdoors as a young kid, my dad took me camping, fishing, hunting, gold panning. Life is too short so do what you enjoy (legal stuff)

  10. Well, yeah. They’re my competition in the dating market. If I’m not doing what they’re doing, only better than they are, they win and I lose.

  11. When I was younger up until about 22/23ish a lot. Then I just stopped giving a fuck and started doing things because I actually want to do them. I think the change stemmed from truly seeing others past what they do and realizing they are not who I want to be.

  12. Talk to them about what women I find attractive. I don’t care who they find attractive nor do I need their input about who I find attractive. However awkward silences are shitty so I just join in when they bring it up unless it’s inherently misogynistic or overtly crude. Then I just go noodle brain on them. “I don’t get it. Why wouldn’t she be able to shit straight for a week?”

  13. Well everyone else started jumping off the bridge so I thought it would be a good idea.

  14. Nothing except exercise (primarily lifting weights). I actually enjoy it now but I started to do it simply because of the correlation I saw between guys who worked out and had girlfriends/were attracting attention from women

  15. Depends, if they run from forest fire, I’ll be leader of runners real fast.

    If they abuse their kids or wife, not doing that

  16. >purely because other men do it?

    0% I don’t don anything simply because another person does. I do things because I need/want them done.

  17. Very little, though 6 or 8 years ago, that answer would have been “a lot”

  18. The answer is either nothing or everything. Very hard to pinpoint what exact things are only due to social influence

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