I realised that for the almost 2 upcoming months, I’ll have to share a room with someone.

First cause i’m going to my moms place for one month, and i’ll be sleeping in my sibling’s room where my little sister sleeps,

And then I’m off to Barcelona where i’m gonna live in a big apartment with 9 rooms, and all the rooms have 2 beds (yes it’s going to be a reality tv show at this point).

I really don’t mind, I’m not a difficult roommate. But i cherish my little self pleasure time so how, when and where can I masturbate then ?

I’m not american so please, all the college students or ex college students who had to share a dorm, please give me your best tips 🥲😭

  1. Late at night quietly under the covers. Or in the shower. The brief moments you get the house to yourself.

  2. As an American in college, here are my best tips, lol.

    1: The shower is always an option, but aim down the drain. Cum and water don’t mix.

    2: Know their schedule — my roomate had an 8:30 am class once a week, so I knew I could always enjoy that morning time.

    3: Find a bathroom that’s in a somewhat secluded area, or during a time when there aren’t many people.

    4: Wait until the other one is sleeping

  3. Lol with my roommate we would just schedule it, like hey man I’m going to jerk off don’t come in the bedroom until I come out

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