I’m just wondering if it would be too much or if it would be weird if I bought some treats (sweets) for my co-workers and boss on my last day of work. And it’s not like I’m quitting my job or anything, it’s just that my work contract ends. Let me know your thoughts please!

Edit: For more background info, my work contract started the beginning of May and it’s going to end in the beginning-middle ish of August.

  1. yeah, seems nice!

    i guess it can depend on the general dynamic and what’s expected, but even if this isn’t expected i think they’ll just be pleasantly surprised.

  2. Do it, they’ll appreciate it and will remember you as a nice person. It’s always a good choice to leave a job on good terms, you never know what the future holds. Networking is everything.

  3. Not at all, it’s a kind and pleasant gesture and we need more of that in the world.

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