So I was chatting with my coworker about the discounts at our store. I mentioned that I don’t shop at our store much. She said, “You don’t shop here? I can tell” and laughed. Was she saying I don’t dress well? I mean we’re only allowed to wear solid black shirts, so I always just wear a black shirt and jeans. But I’ve never been the most fashionable. I don’t know, I’m just sad and confused.

  1. It could have been a compliment. I’ve always taken it as one. If I’m a hostess and people say, “I can tell you don’t eat here,” that’s a compliment isn’t it?

    If you spend $45 dollars on jeans, or more, you’ll get jeans that fit great and wear a long time. Try that though. Cheap jeans are awful. The only exception are Levi’s, those are actually not too bad. If your knees have little knee circles on them, I’d replace them for work.

  2. It’s relateble to her face expression .
    Because it’s could be insult
    And it could be compliment

  3. Yeah it is hard to tell. If this was a back handed compliment. What has your exchange been like before? I get that you are asking because you want to know what kind of person you are dealing with. Should it be a next time, say oh thank you & smile or simply ask what do you mean?

  4. Unless it’s a really high end store, I don’t think it’s an insult. If it’s a cheaper place could also he a compliment

  5. She could be making fun of you in a playful way. Its all about the intent. Since you asked that means you don’t know how to read people well.

    If she was still trying to told to you or if she was trying to shut down the conversation. If she forced the laugh or tried to make it seem like she was laughing at you. If it was a genuine laugh. If she just tried to end the conversation because she could not leave (job) and embarrassing you into silence was better than telling you to shut up.

    Edit. You need to have a don’t care attitude when it comes to your style, if you like it and it is legal….

  6. I think the bigger question is.. do you believe it?
    Most ppl are just trying to say something and aren’t trying to hurtyour feelings you can’t change her action ..can only manage your reaction

  7. That sounds a bit insulting to me. I mean if it was Walmart maybe not. But I assume it was a more high end store.

  8. yeah I don’t think it was an insult she was probably laughing as in it’s obvious you don’t shop here because you probably have a better style than Kohl’s…

  9. It’s a snarky remark, not an insult.

    Edit: commonly used for purposes of being pleasant and approachable but often ineffectual towards individuals that you do not want to be close to.

  10. you could have asked, what gave it away? … don’t think it’s a dis because why would she diss you

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