Men of reddit, if you could live in any country in the world, where would it be and why?

  1. Maybe iceland or Canada.
    They just seem like a fun experience to have with beautiful nature.

    Either that or I’ll stay at Israel.

  2. As an engineer, Germany and France are ideal because my profession is the strongest there. Yes, this is assuming no language barriers. They are both perfect for a traveler like me because so many countries are close by. Lots of places to see and explore.

    If I was filthy rich, then I’ll go with SoCal or Barcelona.

  3. Can’t really upgrade from Finland so, I guess checking out Norway, Iceland or Denmark for few years could be cool.

  4. Probably stay in Canada. I think it’s pretty safe here for where I’m at.

    The USA has some awesome places to be at like Miami Beach, and resorts in Hawaii. So if I’m able to pick the country I’m assuming I make enough to live the life I want so probably somewhere in Hawaii with great internet.

  5. Italy. Been there 5 times. I speak the language pretty well and have roots there. The people there just know how to LIVE. And it’s a gorgeous country.

  6. I’d love to leave Stupid Island. I’m torn between the USA and Luxembourg.

  7. The place Heidi and Peter live(Alps, I guess) . Man those green lush hills are etched into my mind

  8. Happy where I am in the UK to be honest, I would not live anywhere else, and there are so many different countries to visit just a short flight away

  9. I have been looking at New Zealand, Sweden, and Estonia.

    But I have never been to any of them.

  10. australia, japan, the uk, maybe canada but i hate the cold weather. good economies, the people seem overall friendly and open to americans. plus the women are hot hot hot.

  11. First would probably be Italy. It has great history, pace of life, and the food is second to none in the world. The people are beyond friendly.

    Greece would be pretty high on the list. It is relatively lower cost to live than some countries in Europe. The food isn’t as good as Italy, but the history there is nothing short of amazing. It is probably one of the most beautiful countries I have ever been to. You can have lunch at the beach, and then be up in the mountains in an hour or two.

    I would also have some interest in checking out more of Canada, Thailand and a few other smaller choices.

  12. I wanna go back to where my family left in the early 1900s. Cefalu Sicily. I would love to be there and just do exactly what i do now.

  13. Costa Rica. Really there’s no reason I can’t move there now but I want to move by the time I’m 30

  14. I’ve been road tripping the USA for a bit over 6 months now, I’m perfectly fine just staying here.

    All types of natural beauty, people from all over the world everywhere so a taste of pretty much all cultures. Also, it’s absolutely massive, and with so much diversity you can find pretty much anything you’re looking for.

  15. I really like Japanese food. Healthy and tasty. The design of the cities gets you outside and walking. The society is polite, but a bit too stand-offish for me.

    Still, I think I’d like to try living there with my family. Especially if I could do remote work and not have to participate within their toxic work culture.

  16. Definitely Canada. I almost moved there 25 years ago but my mother was sick. And now I can’t afford to.

  17. Thailand, Taiwan, or Japan. I’ve travelled a lot of places in this world, and those are my favorites.

  18. Finland keeps winning “happiest country,” so I guess I’ll go with that.

  19. Vietnam

    Every city is so different from the others. Some are chaotic, some are calm and chill, some are beach side, some more developed, some less developed. Just something different to see at each stop. Incredibly friendly people, great food, lots of activity. Definitely my favourite country I’ve visited.

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