What percentage of the time do you feel like your opinions are right?

  1. Honestly majority of the time, can’t put a % on it, and it’s not because I’m some genius, but because my opinions tend to be evidence backed.

  2. At least 95% of the time. I wouldn’t have that opinion if I didn’t think it was right.

  3. I don’t assume that my opinions are right.

    I believe them because they’re based upon the best knowledge I have… but information changes, so my opinions can (and should) change too.

  4. My opinions be correct 105%. I be on FaceTimes with they mama them an I be teaching peoples lessons an things like that.

  5. It depends on the subject.

    I prefer to learn from others through their perspective and be pleasantly surprised by new information. I don’t assume I am always 100% correct, but on some subjects I know I have vastly more knowledge than the average person.

  6. 99% but I’ll always listen to you tell me why you think I’m wrong

  7. Depends on the topic. As you grow older you discover that you can be smart at one thing and be incredibly stupid or ignorant about another thing. You can have opinions on it all despite your knowledge or experience. As far as this subredddit goes, personal experience, arguing with some idiots that prove my points further, and listening to mentors much much much smarter than me have shown me i am pretty spot on or exactly right (even if it doesnt sound socially ok) when it comes to topics of men and relationships.

  8. If I don’t feel my opinions are right they wouldn’t be my opinions. So, 100% obviously. Am I never wrong? Oh, absolutely. In which case my opinion changes.

  9. Right? I’ve no idea. Justified – 90% of the time, but I’m always open to having my mind changed.

  10. Most of the time, I am subsequent to change based on new information, which then changes my incorrect opinion to being correct.

  11. 60% but I could be wrong

    I’m an intelligent person and the older I get I realise the more I know, the less I actually know. I am always open to differences of opinion, so long as there’s factual basis behind it as I am not an expert on many things, so my understanding may be flawed

  12. I was gunna say I don’t have any opinions I think are wrong but then I remembered some of my music and movie choices. So objectively I do have some bad or unpopular opinions.

    So idk 80%

  13. As an opinion is your thought or belief about something or someone I don’t see how applying a binary scientific concept of correct or incorrect (which is the sense you’re using right or wrong) works here.

    Your opinion might have been formed from erroneous or incomplete information but you wouldn’t hold a belief if you didn’t agree with it.

    So on that basis, opinions are ‘right’ to everyone or they wouldn’t hold them. They may be stupid, ignorant or based on selective sources but they’re always ‘right’ for the person.

  14. Most of the time, since opponents fail to provide any counter-evidence or logical claims, and instead throwing a tantrum or appealing to traditions, or other nonsensical things. That’s why i do not value random conversations with strangers that much, cause my friend does a really good job at explaining her opinion by using logic and facts, combined with detailed explanation, and sometimes i find myself being wrong, or we find out that we are both right in our own ways, and it feels good to find the truth, even if i had an incorrect opinion about it.

    Also have to not that majority of people disagree with my opinions.

  15. Opinions are never right or wrong since they are subjective. I can think it’s wrong to have extramarital sexual relations, but there are those in open relationships. Heavily against what I think is right & wrong due to my morals and religious faith, but not everyone’s like me. I can think that whatever president would’ve been a better option, but there are those who disagree. Either way, that can never be proven being that it’s a hypothetical what if situation.

    However, if I think this country is fleeing from traditional household values and is less family oriented, it’s due to facts that can prove that (religious beliefs, church attendance, LGBT, marriage rate, single mothers, birth rate, cheating, abortion, desire for relationships, cost of having a family, family court, etc.). Therefore, regardless of any disagreement or contradicting belief, it’s a fact.

  16. Opinions are not facts, they are assumptions based on a person’s interpretation of what they see, hear and experience. that’s what I think anyway.

  17. I am surprised that most of the comments section rate themself as high as 90% right.

    For me considering how much I had grown because I had changed my mind or opinions in the past and how difficult it is to work with people that think they are right all the time.

    I when I have an opinion I usually think its about 60%-70%. Which is more thah half but not too overconfident

  18. In a general manner, 7 out of 10 more or less.

    I reckon there is a lot of stuff I don’t know so my opinion might be wrong.

  19. Im always right. Its not my fault that everyone else im the world is wrong.

  20. I never think they are right. I have confidence in them sure, but for the most part they are hit or miss. Even though I don’t really subscribe to the biases that might accompany specific opinions. Most of the time they are pretty casual and not super serious.

  21. Probably 90-95 percent of the time, because I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t think it was right lol. Of course opinions can always change though. But I feel I have been pretty constant with my opinions for the most part.

  22. I feel like my opinions are right 100% of the time.

    I try to not think my opinions are right and challenge them as much as is reasonably possible. It’s important to question even our most deeply held beliefs even if we feel it in our soul.

  23. Opinions aren’t ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, only facts are right and wrong, correct or incorrect.

    Opinions are either believed or not believed, this is not the same as the above though.

    For instance, it’s someone’s opinion Coke is better than Pepsi.
    The Christian God is the only God.
    Blue is a nicer looking colour than green.

    These are not facts, and cannot be proved as right or wrong.

  24. Depends very much who I’m talking to.

    Colleagues: mostly right.

    My boss: mostly wrong (but he has no knowledge of my industry – he just hates it that others know more than him.

    My wife: 50/50. Depends on the situation.

  25. 100%.

    If I didn’t think they were right then I would change them.

  26. Always as i speak according to my knowledge/ believes. However if someone points me i'[m wrong i have no problem to admit it and change my mind.

  27. 80%, but then again, that’s just my opinion, which, according to itself, has an 80% chance of being right. Since 80% of 80% is 64%, I’d say I’m right 64% of the time.

  28. I do say that I don’t have to win an an argument but I do have to express an opinion.

  29. Never.

    My opinions are based on a combination of emotional (gut) feelings and available facts.

    Those things change regularly.

    So I operate under the assumptions I have until I learn better and then adapt accordingly.

    I’m often wrong. We all are but it’s important to admit that to yourself

  30. Engineering is done with numbers, anything without numbers is an opinion and the only opinion who is right is mine.

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