Like write it down , vent , or scream

  1. I journal about how I’m feeling. Usually trying to dig deep into what exactly is triggering me and how it’s tied to my emotions and the perception I have of myself. Then at the end I try to bring in some sort of optimistic goal. But sometimes my journal entires have no “optimism”. Sometimes I just need to vent about how I’m struggling with disliking myself, period. I also find crying to be therapeutic lol. My partner is great at noticing when I’m down, when I need to be complimented more, etc. It’s nice to have someone to vent to, be it partner or friend or therapist.

  2. Sleep. If I’m feeling really negative about things, it’s often a sign of fatigue for me.

  3. I make sure its not something physical first like hunger or lack of sleep putting me in a bad mood.

    If its something emotional I tend to just feel it and wallow and it wears off. You should never downplay it or feel like you’re not allowed to get annoyed about something, no matter how small or irrational.

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