I wouldn’t class myself as a fussy eater. I like pretty much everything. 2 of the things I don’t like are very controversial though and people often think I’m weird for it. But I don’t like baked beans and sometimes I like potatoes and sometimes I don’t it depends on the form. Im not disgusted by these things but I don’t like them enough that I would choose to eat them. With potatoes I still like chips, hashbrowns and dauphinois for example. A roast potato on the other hand I can handle sometimes but they need to be good. As for baked beans I eat some beans still but it depends on the meal. I don’t know if it’s just the type of bean in baked beans or what. I also don’t like cucumber. What about you?

  1. I don’t like cheese

    Also I like porridge but it makes me vomit if I eat it for some reason

  2. Cheese sauces.

    I’m not a fussy eater and love smelly cheeses, strong cheeses etc.

    Cheese sauces, soups etc. disgust me and just thinking about them makes me feel like I’m about to be sick. It’s a combination of the texture and the way it pollutes your mouth leaving a lingering aftertaste.

  3. Pretty much all seafood. I can have a fish supper every now and then but that’s about it. My whole family however all love seafood and can’t get it into their heads that it’s possible that someone in this world, let alone someone they know, doesn’t like it.

  4. My sister in law loved the mussels you get in the major supermarket vacuum sealed with either a white wine or garlic sauce.i worked in food production for 9 years for a big seafood company.and I told her what went on in these places and it is the most disgusting place product I’ve ever been involved with.there practices were criminal from there QCs not doing there jobs to hygiene.she never touched a mussel again after that.

  5. Nuts. I don’t like any sort of nuts. Not allergic but I heave/puke if I inadvertently eat any. Peanuts are the worst, just the smell is appalling. I don’t even like coconut. Frankly all nuts can fuck right off.

  6. **Raw tomatoes** – they’re smooth *and* fleshy *and* slimy *and* bitty all at once. Urgh. It’s a texture thing. I like ketchup and tomato based sauces, so long as they’ve not got lumpy bits in.

    **Fish** – it’s ‘squeaky’. It tastes to me like the sound of felt-tip pens (which goes through me, and tastes strongly fishy).

    I obviously have some sensory issues, but also a degree of synaesthesiac mix-up between sound/taste and vice versa

  7. I absolutely hate peas. If I have a tin of vegetable soup that contains peas I have to pick every single one out lest I accidentally eat one and ruin my day.

  8. McDonalds burgers. The popularity of Maccies baffles me, I find their main menu item really unpleasant.

    When I voice this people think I’m being a snob but I’m not, I’ll love any old kebab shop lips and arse burger. Something about McDonalds is sort of bland and sickly at the same time, I just don’t get it.

  9. Cheap ready meals. Mostly just slop.

    I’ve never really seen the point of avocado.

    Grapefruit tastes unpleasantly metallic.

    I find a lot of stuff in supermarkets to be absurdly sweet.

  10. Wine. It is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever tried to eat or drink. I genuinely can’t understand what people taste when they drink it that makes them like it. I must have freak taste buds. I can’t eat dark chocolate either, at all. I always end up with some at Chritmas and if I can’t find it a new home it goes in the bin.

    I’m another one who hates potatoes, nasty claggy things. I can just about tolerate hash browns if the potato isn’t mushy in them.

  11. Mayonnaise. Disgusting stuff. Why does every meal deal main seem to be smothered in the stuff?

  12. I can’t even look at an onion. The slightest smell of onion makes me feel sick. We used to holiday a lot in Greece so I learned the Greek for no onion. It made the Greek waiters laugh that an English holiday maker could say no onion. I even married my wife partly cos she dislikes onion too. It helped that’s she’s beautiful of course.

  13. So – I *do* like pizza. But I feel like my enjoyment of it is about 10% of the general population. Like – for me a pizza is no more tasty than a toasted cheese sandwich. A £2 lidl pizza is the same to me as a Dominos.

  14. Mango- I really want to live it but it’s horrible. Same goes for avacado.

  15. Mash potatoes can fuck off. How dare anyone take the wonderful potato and reduce it to a squidgy mass that squidges in your mouth.

    It’s clearly what the Devil Incarnate created and passed down to humans to make them think that potato eating was sinful.

    They’re wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.

  16. Whole tomatoes, raw tomatoes or any tomato product that contains any kind of tomato pulp. I’m ok with puree and passata and happily use both in cooking.

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