There’s this one fan in particular who is so persistent on getting his attention. The worst part is that she actually succeeded at it. He ended up following her on Twitter. She has a fan account dedicated to him. She tags him in posts every day. Not to be mean but she’s not attractive at all, so I’m not worried about him cheating with her or anything.. but I still don’t like the fact that someone is so obsessed with my boyfriend, famous or not. She’s not as obsessed with him as I am but it still bothers me. There’s also another female fan who he followed who thinks it’s okay to refer to him as “baby” … it’s bad enough that there are a lot of sneaky female groupies around him in real life.. now this. I’m just tired of them.

  1. Even if you could make this group stop, there will be more. It is the nature of the business he is in. You have two choices really. Leave him or learn to deal. I would suggest trying therapy first.

  2. If you can’t handle the groupies then break up with him. This isn’t the relationship for you.

    They’re not going anywhere. You’ll just drive yourself crazy if you keep on this way.

  3. My first thought is to stop paying attention to his social media. What the fans do is out if his control.

    It’s part of his job to have some amount of interaction with fans. However famous he is, this could all go away overnight and unless he has significant savings, he could easily be working a regular job one day.

  4. Here’s the thing though, famous or not, he can’t control other peoples actions.

    Since he IS famous, he has to engage with his fans. It comes with the territory.

    If he’s not engaging them inappropriately, then this is solely your issue to either deal with or walk away from.

    ETA: Out of curiosity, was he famous before you started dating him?

  5. If you’re not afraid of him cheating what does it matter? Maybe don’t date famous guys

  6. Understand that he is famous but it doesn’t mean you have to pass everything. So i encourage you to talk to him calmly and build big boundaries for your relationship together.

    Remember both of you can’t control what they do but you can control yourselves by showing some distance/respect without hurting his images. Many do it.

  7. Yeah been here groupies suck but at that point you have to know if your bf if going to take them up on it and if you can handle it or not

  8. If you can’t handle how he gets attention due to his fame then don’t date him, plain and simple. You’ll only drive yourself mad and become unhappy and probably make him miserable too.

  9. maybe just make it clear u are not to be fucked with, and your man should be posting u so they know they have no chance. it should be publicly known if it already isnt

  10. The fans aren’t the issue. It’s you. You don’t trust him and if you can’t change that eventually you are gonna take it out on him. If you can get passed the jealousy then get out of the relationship.

  11. >She’s not as obsessed with him as I am but it still bothers me.

    That’s a strange way of phrasing it.
    Your BF is just a person…famous or not. He chose to be with you over anyone else. Why do people giving him attention make you feel insecure? ‘Cuz I feel that’s probably the bigger question you need to ask yourself.

  12. I’m not saying all women. But some women also have huge followings etc and sometimes an OF too, but yet ask why their partner is not ok with that. This sums up the exact feeling. Thank you OP

  13. Living in LA for the majority of my life and being a little older, I’ve dated a couple of famous people (from A list to Z list lol)…I’ve found that the more famous they are, the less they engage with social media and ‘groupies’- they already have all the fame and the money they need and don’t really seek out the external validation (and generally don’t run their public social media and have secret ones for close friends and family). I’ve had your issue with less famous and/or newly famous partners though- they need the fans to boost their career or give them validation. And if that’s the case, you need to just be ok with it and support him and his career. Perhaps speak to him about how it makes you feel, so that there’s an open dialogue between the two of you (partners aren’t mind readers), but he’s not at ‘fault’ for anything…he chose you and I hope you can gain some confidence in that. The two of you should be aware though that fans can become overly obsessive- I’ve had death threats from one in particular because she really seemed to think my boyfriend at the time was her soulmate- it was a wild time..but if it’s a fan who’s making a fan account and posting pictures- that’s good for him and totally harmless. The only people that matter in your relationship at the end of the day are the two of you- is he a good guy who treats you well and that you trust? Then that’s all you need to know 🙂

  14. you should stop dating if you cant move passed this. like no judgement because i couldnt handle it but theres no way to stop it except just overlooking it or breaking up.

  15. I don’t want to be mean or anything but, if you can’t handle your boyfriend getting this kind of attention when you shouldn’t be dating someone famous as this will be the rest of his life. Also, I know u said u aren’t worried about him cheating on you but, if you weren’t then why are you so worried about all the girls.

  16. Dame to you strong. He’ll always have love for you since you was there from the start. Always remember that.

  17. Everything you are complaining about is unfortunately part of being famous. When you date someone famous, you have to be able to be okay with this, or move on. Good luck. I hope you find what is best for you and/or him.

  18. This is what you signed up for dating a celebrity, there’s nothing YOU can do to stop his fans from adoring him. The only thing you can do is change your attitude or leave.

  19. His fans supporting him is what is going to make him famous. He needs to build his fan base. Support him or leave him. He’s not cheating on you with her. Relax and enjoy the ride.

  20. Yeah you don’t sound mentally stable enough to date anyone, let alone a celebrity.

  21. I’m not trying to be mean but I couldn’t tell if a famous person was right in front of me I can’t name their names I’m one the ones that’s will say he made this song or was in this movie but getting to your question and idk how famous this person is but I’m sure it comes with benefits 1st being I’m sure you don’t have to work a job you dislike first thing I would make sure to network with as many people as I could and that dream career that gives you peace see if someone would invest, 2nd use your instinct it’s always right if he loves you and tells you certain things then believe him. 3rd now is your time to make moves so you don’t have to rely on him or anyone for money. Last thing I would be thinking about is other you said girls so I’m thinking they are younger. 4th. If you try to make him and yourself better that shows a lot. Cleaning, cooking just the little things. I’m sure this fan that’s obsessed with him is doing both you a favor keeping him relevant because there are so many so called famous people that get five minutes of fame and that’s it. Just be you there’s a reason he wanted to be in a relationship with you but always have your own aspirations and if it’s the way I think a famous person would have a relationship not making their spouse work I would say no I want to also work and make my dreams come true. Stay healthy, workout, don’t be insecure, and always have open communication. If there was some I dated that was famous I would do everything I could to network with the people that helped him become famous and I would say that’s what makes someone really attractive is ambition, loyalty, hardworking, a sense of self worth, as well as a sense of humor. I don’t have any social media so idk what a fan page would be but I get the idea, laugh at it as long as they aren’t stocking this person then you are okay. I would say they have to show love to their fans because that person knows how many people and plays their music or watches them do stand up or whatever the case may be the more tickets sold the more people like this person I would assume the better. There’s always restraining orders, real security not friends that think have no training. They you go there’s an idea there start a security company with Ex military, police officers and so forth. If I knew famous people first thing I would do is get my real estate license then brokers licenses. Even getting into professional dog breeding. I paid $5,000 for a Chinese Shari pei. But they go as high as $10,000 you purchase 5 females and 5 males train them make sure the blood line is exclusive your talking big money and they are adorable. Not going to say you’ll break up but if I had could meet one investor I would do two things real estate I’m going to school for both real estate and brokers license already but to meet people that purchase million or multi million dollar homes, or I would start my own cannabis grow company I don’t smoke but maybe once every 6 months instead of drinking because I don’t drink it’s just a peaceful process to grow and to trim and to be able to get a license for a large amount of plants and purchase all the equipment is a lot. But where I’m located the flower is no good the best I seen is from Oregon and Cali but you want to create your own line. Look at cookies huge but the growers I could mention a few but Cali is over they have to many top line growers you would need to come to a place like where I live where retail spaces are buying from people that grow out of tents because they know what they are doing. Growing from a tent to a 10,000 square foot facility with a retail space is much different and genetics are number one as well as having someone that knows what they are doing. So forget about groupies and create your own community and business. I got off topic but being each other’s friends having a sense of humor, independence, making your own goals is what will keep your relationship growing. If he sees you making your way, having his or her back no matter what being there durning the bad and good shows a lot more. Don’t bring that girl up and if you do laugh it off it’s too much stress to worry about someone that he follows or doesn’t. Just be the person he feel in love with and continue to grow and be better and you’ll have a healthy relationship. Even couples therapy would help if he’s up for it.

  22. It is not the women, but your guy. A partner should never subject one they are with like this. However, there is more ground for you to stand on if you are married or engaged.

  23. “She’s not as obsessed with him as I am” gave me such an ick. I genuinely don’t think you’re mature enough to handle this stuff tbh. Obsession isn’t healthy in a relationship. You also seem to be pretty insecure so unless you get some help for that I don’t see this lasting or going well.

  24. I wouldn’t worry about it too much. I doubt he’s that famous it’ll lasting that long much less his so called fame

  25. As someone who was with a popular musician , I understand where you’re coming from. It’s frustrating. My problem is my ex was definitely a cheater. But if ur man isn’t and u trust him then you can’t really tell him not to interact with fans, yaknow? Maybe if this relationship isn’t for you, let it go if it really becomes a problem.

  26. >Not to be mean but she’s not attractive at all, so I’m not worried about him cheating with her or anything..

    lol – I’ve known people who have cheated and it’s the opportunity they’re after, and not necessarily someone who looks good on their arm.

    Regardless, a performer is selling a persona or image to the fans. The fans are not after “him”, so much as his image or persona. Think of it as a brand.


    >She’s not as obsessed with him as I am but it still bothers me.

    I don’t know if you’re misusing the word obsessed or if you’re actually obsessed, but if it’s the later you’d be best served to get some therapy.

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