How do you deal with mosquitoes in your country?

  1. A lot of people in my area get their entire property sprayed with pesticide.

    Personally, I think that’s terrible for the environment and honestly doesn’t seem to work too well.

    Mostly I just deal with getting bitten.

  2. State and local governments have pretty aggressive mosquito control programs. These were instrumental in the eradication of malaria.

  3. Mosquito zappers by my deck, and I wear deep woods Off. I encourage as many frogs as possible on my property too— but mainly because I like frogs.

  4. Mostly spray mosquito repellent but when I’m sitting outside in a backyard or on a porch we use citronella candles to deter them.

  5. Smack them. Spray bug spray on ourselves. Bug zappers. You can fog for them. Make sure there’s not standing water hanging around.

  6. They don’t bite me for some reason. My husband is a mosquito magnet though. The county sprays for them, some years they even use planes. They haven’t been bad this year for some reason. OH LORD BUT THE MILLERS.

  7. Here in Florida we have an aggressive eradication program. The state and local agencies use combined efforts of spraying chemicals by planes, helicopters, boats, and trucks. It’s a big deal here as we still get cases of mosquito borne diseases.

  8. Some places have mosquito control programs to keep the numbers down but they’re still high in some places.

    Where I am you mostly stay inside to avoid them or use a spray if you’ll be in a situation where you expect a lot of them. For instance they tend to come out more after dark, and you’ll also find more if you’re going for a hike out in nature vs just going for a walk in your neighborhood.

    Different regions also have more or less mosquitos. I live in a very swampy region so we just have a bunch at all times but it’s worst at night. We just keep a can of spray handy. You just spray yourself with it and they leave you alone. I always wash when I get back inside though because the spray is sticky.

    Also from experience, don’t use a heavy duty spray (with lots of a compound called deet) on plastic. I had a can of it leak in a cheap duffel bag and it melted a hole in the bag. So I try not to spray any plastic based clothes with it (like polyester). Skin or cotton or other organic materials only.

  9. I’m a magnet for them. I just wear a lot of bug spray and hope for the best. My neighbors across the street got their lawn treated for them and I’m jealous. I might look into that

  10. We had a huge mosquito problem at our house to the point where we didn’t even want to be outside at certain times of year, even with bug spray. I just signed up for one of those yard spraying services that comes every few weeks. It is expensive but it’s been about a week since they came the first time and I haven’t seen one since. Hoping this is the silver bullet because we love spending time outside but have a hard time with the mosquitoes.

  11. We don’t really have a mosquito problem where I live. Desert life is best life.

  12. I use bug spray but right now im battling horse flies which are a million times more annoying.

  13. We set huge portions of Canada on fire so the wind will carry the smoke south, suffocating the bastards.

  14. In my neighborhood in Houston, we have a truck that sprays for mosquitos nightly. It goes along every street with a stream of steam like stuff coming off of the back. In addition to that, we use mosquito spray. Some folks have misters around their homes to keep them away – we don’t as we don’t find the mosquito issue to be bad.

  15. I stay inside around dusk when they’re most active, and police my yard and the surrounding areas for any standing water where they can breed. Some years the city sprays for them if it’s bad enough.

    Beyond that, some bug repellent spray works pretty well if I have to be out when they are.

  16. We don’t , we just curse them then complain the next day how bad the mosquitoes were

  17. After we had a bad West Nile outbreak about 20 years ago, they aggressively attack them in my area. They do testing of various puddles and drainage areas around the parish looking for hot spots, and then they poison them.

    We have spray trucks that go though different neighborhoods at dusk about once a week. It’s awful and terrible for bees and other pollinators, but at least they warn humans so we can be inside with our pets on designated nights.

    At my home, we try to keep big citronella plants around to help repel them.

  18. When we went camping, we first tried one of those mosquito repelling candles, but it didn’t work especially well. The next thing we tried was this butane burning machine and it worked much better.

    When we’re not camping, we pretty much just have to try not to have standing water around and we’re good.

  19. Bug spray, citronella candles, and complaining. They love me for some reason. I try to wear light, long clothes when possible. Some people spray their property, but I don’t because it seems bad for all the good bugs.

  20. DDT was instrumental in reducing (to more or less zero) mosquito born illness transmission in the US (particularly malaria) by eradicating / greatly reducing the population of varieties of mosquito that can pass on human illnesses (particularly malaria).

    [edit – mosquito born illness outbreaks do still happen though]

    But it had some serious environmental impacts so we don’t use it anymore

    Anyways, the majority of mosquitos in the US are purely nuisance varieties. They have low/no chance of getting people sick.

    So we spray spawning grounds to reduce their numbers and apply mosquito repellent when outdoors in areas that have high mosquito populations.

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