This is the first time my bf is going to go down on me. He has a very bad experience because years ago one of the girls was very smelly. So I want to make it as good as possible for him.
I always shower before the action, I use intimate wash and I don’t pee after showering. I thought I would also start drinking cranberry capsules the week before.
Unfortunately I have a bad habit of smoking occasionally and drinking coffee every day. If I take these off for a week will there be any change down there? Also, I was planning to drink pineapple juice days before.

I have never received any negative feedback, but I want it to be good for him.

Will this be enough? I welcome any tips.

  1. You are way overthinking it.

    The smelly was likely due to a harmless bacterial infection. You either have that or not. Otherwise, showering is good enough.

    All that other stuff is unnecessary.

    Honestly, you are lucky. His first experience was so bad, you are going to be paradise compared to that as your normal wonderful self.

  2. Trust me you are way overthinking just keep it natural and do not use scented soap, perfume or scented wipes down there as they may harm the pH balance and disturb the natural surroundings.

    Only intimate wash is more than enough. If it’s smelly then it’s due to infections or not showering so if u hygiene is good then there shouldn’t be any smell instead it has a natural smell which acts as a pheromone so it’s arousing for your man too.

    Since, u mentioned smoking if it’s occasional then it won’t affect The same goes for coffee if it’s limited. But asparagus, dairy products and red meat can change both taste and smell.

    U don’t need to stay away from coffee or have pineapple juice a week ago but a day ago like from 16-24 hrs is perfectly fine just have citrus fruits like pineapple oranges, sweet fruits just in this time and u are good to go. Remember don’t think about this during the act and may induce anxiety so relax and be comfortable. Good luck!

  3. Good wash, you’ll be fine. Whatever hair you have, you’ll be fine. Make sure that you are assertive, make it pleasurable for both of you, is my tip.

  4. As a man who gives women head, I have to say: probably everything you are doing is overkill, and the anxiety is almost surely needless. In my experience, at least, women have never had a bad odor, although I acknowledge some women do. Cross that bridge when you come to it. If you are generally clean, there’s no need to shower right before sex (although there’s nothing wrong with that either). Go ahead and pee after showering because you can dab yourself with a moist handkerchief or toilet paper.

    The description is confusing, but it seems he has gone down on several women and just one of them smelled bad. Does he share your anxieties about this issue? And since he’s so experienced, he knows that to inspect you, all he would need to do is fondle you and sniff his hand.

    I am curious, now, whether tobacco and coffee make a difference. I’ve never read that. And I never dated tobacco smokers.

  5. Just make sure you’re clean, that sounds like the main thing. I guess if you can hold off the fags and coffee then that’ll be good? But what I’ve gathered from here is they the main causes of bad smells are poor hygiene so you’re likely fine

  6. As a guy who has had varied experiences, I think how you smell/taste is just how you are gonna be with minor variations.

    I don’t think I would worry about it but just be your best self.

  7. Being smelly could be infection or just not washing properly/often. Some ladies don’t know they should spread apart in the water to wash in the labia with water only. That’s all you need to do. What you consume is up to you, but no research has been done for that and it’s all anecdotal.

  8. Everyone is giving good advice! You are going to be fine.

    Only other thing I can add about cleaning: make sure to *gently* wash underneath the hood of you clit. Sometimes, residue can form there, and while a completely normal occurrence, I prefer to make sure it’s clean. It’s a good general hygiene tip fo women as well, but since I started to have sex regularly, I will make sure this is an area I wash well.

  9. It’s always funny watching people talk about just showering when the go to are regular hydration and fruits

    Trust me on this, drinking water regularly solves 99% of your problems even with smoking and meat intake

  10. Shower before having sex, use whatever soap you use or intimate cleaning, and be through. That’s it.
    Before sex means to me that you jump from the shower in the bed.

  11. Spread your legs and run your fingers through his hair.

    All you need to do.

  12. Most guys love a woman’s natural scent.

    My advice: take a shower in the morning, using mild, unscented soap. Go about your day as usual. By the evening, you’ll have the amount of natural scent that he should expect, and if he’s like most straight men, he’ll LOVE it.

  13. Just don’t use anything scented or inside your vagina. Clean the folds of your vulva with normal soap and water and don’t forget your crack and you’ll be fine unless you have a bacterial or yeast infection which YOU should be able to smell yourself if you do

  14. Anything beyond showering first is overkill to me. I would bet the person who was smelly didn’t… or of course she could have had a medical issue.

  15. Lol stop all that. Bath normally and he will be fine. It ain’t that serious!

  16. You’re over thinking it yes.

    Even smokers and coffee drinkers don’t smell or taste bad usually. It’ll be more about your PH and value and if it’s in a good healthy state. Some bad smells can be because of issues that a doctor might be able to help with.

  17. Going down on a girl is my most favorite thing to do and her natural scent and taste is probably one of the most arousing things about doing it. My gf can be self conscious sometimes about letting me do it if she hasn’t shaved or showered but honestly she has nothing to be self conscious about and I always reassure her that I love doing it regardless of those things and she can definitely tell I love doing it lol. I agree you are overthinking it and as long as you shower daily (doesn’t have to be right before either) there should be no issues. If showering right before makes you feel more comfortable then that is really all you need to do and you shouldn’t worry at all and just relax and focus on the pleasure you are getting

  18. You don’t really prepare, just a shower to clean your sweat/fluids from the labia. She might have had a uti or yeast infection or trouble balancing pH. It cleans itself on the inside. Even healthy ones have a smell to it, and even stronger at certain stages of the cleaning cycle. You are way overthinking it. Just have fun and communicate with him. Ask him if he likes it. Don’t pressure yourself so much to be perfect.

  19. Close your eyes, open your legs, enjoy. Overthinking it will cause you to not enjoy it.

  20. Sounds like you’re going above and beyond, have a shower before the act, stay hydrated and I think that’s more than good enough. But if you eat and drink sweet stuff that helps too, and also being supportive, appreciative, enthusiastic and making sure he knows there’s no pressure could help make it a good experience for him too 🥰

  21. Please DO pee before having sex or getting oral. You’re going to get a urinary tract infection. Just rinse with water in a squirt bottle afterwards if you’re worried about a smell, etc.

    But just bathe your outer and inner labia as usual, don’t put soap or intimate wash inside the vaginal canal, and pee and you’re good to go. His experience before could have been that the girl had bacterial vaginosis and didn’t know about it or how to get rid of it. Bad smells are rarely from lack of hygiene, everyone is able to smell their genitalia when it’s stinky.

  22. Girl you are making it seem as if you have to mask the natural scent of a vagina, and that is not the way to go.
    The first girl he went down on probably had really bad hygiene(like, really really bad) or an infection of some sort.
    You don’t have to drink juice, stop peeing, etc to make your vagina apt

  23. Well just drink water and use a washcloth and wash in between the folds… less soap is better…..

    Wear breathable underwear

  24. Drink lots of water, don’t use soaps because they will mess ur downstairs up. I like to use boric acid tablets to freshen up every once in a while, especially after smoking a lot. I’ve found that people who eat lots of fruits and veggies always taste better in my experience, but it’s anecdotal and based off my personal experience on giving oral to men and women.

    At the end of the day, if you’ve showered, you have nothing to worry about and you’re overthinking it! Vaginas have a natural scent and no amount of anything will change that. Who knows, he might really love the way you naturally taste!

  25. When vaginas have a smell it’s likely due to BV, a bacterial overgrowth that needs antibiotics to resolve. Using soap inside your vagina can cause this so definitely don’t do that.

    You don’t really need to prepare, tbh. I’d say if you feel comfortable showering right before, go for it but outside of that, nothing else needs to be done.

  26. This is way too much. Do you think he’d quit drinking, smoking, drink fruit juice every day, etc for you?😂

  27. As a guy, I prefer some smell. Now obviously I’m not talking about repulsive haven’t washed on a month, but I’d rather have her natural body smell over a soap smell.

    Wash with unscented soap the morning of and let the rest fall into place 👌. You got this.

  28. All you need to do is take a shower lol.

    That other girl probably didn’t bathe, or had an infection (BV can produce a nasty fish smell).

    My husband visits my lady pond often, I just wash up prior. No eating tons of fruits or anything extra lol.

  29. No garlic or onions or asparagus for a couple days. More fruit, lots of water. Shave, trim. Cute underwear.

    I don’t think you need the intimate wash. Your body might go into overdrive to replace it and restore the balance.

  30. People are sayin to shower but sometimes my bf just dives in when I went all day working with no care in the world. As long as you aren’t a dirty person I don’t think he will mind!

  31. Friendly reminder to everyone that pussy should taste and smell like pussy. Not flowers or perfume. You’ll throw off your ph.

  32. My wife drinks 3-5 cups of coffee a day, she smells absolutely amazing down there… Don‘t stress yourself to much, if you keep a good hygiene (shower regularly) you should be good.

  33. currently preparing for the same thing and girl i think youll be fine. if ur bf doesnt like the way ur natural smell is, wake up and break up- its an organ, not a flower.

  34. In addition to your shower, I suggest that you start by making out, going down on him and getting him very close to coming before saying it is my turn. It is amazing how good a woman taste when you have a raging hard on!😉

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