To get straight to the point, I feel like I’m going to be friendless in a very short time.

My parents were really strict growing up, so I only saw my school friends in school because I wasn’t allowed to leave my house for anything other than school. So after highschool ended, I never kept in touch with any of them.

The friends I have in college are nice, but they have childhood friends who they hangout with everyday, so once we graduate the friend group we have in school is probably gonn slowly die down to.

I hate feeling like this, and I don’t know what to do. And I don’t know any place I can go and meet new people either.

  1. You can always try to keep in touch with your college friends. You can be the one that brings the “old gang” together. Ofcourse it might not work.

    Try to use some of your hobbies to make new freinds. No hobbies? Go to dancing school! Or….rock climbing! There is many other things that are fun to do AND connect people at the same time.

  2. So some hobbies that forces you to interact with others, like a sports club.

  3. >but they have childhood friends who they hangout with everyday

    What’s stopping you from hanging with them as well? I got into a few new friend groups by mingling with friends of friends anytime they were around.

  4. Find some activity in which you have to interact with people, in the long run you will end up making friends

  5. All my friends are ones i met through sport. I haven’t hung out with school friends since school,except a few that I surfed with. Friends change as your life changes.

  6. Don’t focus so much on the making friends part yet, try to take up some hobbies or activities you may enjoy first that would allow you to meet people who you have a mutual interest with. Like there’s groups/clubs/meetups for almost anything so see if there’s any where you live.

    If groups/clubs aren’t your thing then i guess your best bet is to hope that you can make friends with the various people you’ll work with throughout our life. Because other than work and hobbies there’s nothing to really force people to be in close proximity to eachother like school or college does.

  7. all these things are good, just remember not to put a numerous amount of trust into people you consider ‘new friends’ I’m sure you already now this. Not saying you can’t have fun, just don’t be naive.

    Sorry if I popped the bubble, just saying people are people and COULD do anything.

  8. Go to http://www.f3nation.com. F3 is a free workout open to all men with the purpose of developing male leadership. The 3 Fs stand for fitness, fellowship, and faith (no specific faith is required). I honestly have met my closest male friends through it. These are men I would trust with my life and who I can call on in an emergency.

  9. Hobbies man. Golf, tennis, pickle ball, shooting pool, ect. Anything you can do where you are almost certainly going to get paired up with people who have the same hobby. You’re bound to end up vibing with someone.

  10. My hot tip to make friends is local shows and music festivals. Everyone there has common ground and is usually on some kind of social lubricant.

    Make a few friends, after party, connect. Go out again next time, meet their friends, hang out more, boom a friend group.

    I’m 33 and still making new awesome friends this way. I left high-school with only a few friends and we all drifted pretty quick. Now I have more friends than I know what to do with. Festivals are clutch

  11. Go to new places, virtually or physically. Talk to whoever takes your fancy. Wait and see who sticks. It takes time. As an introvert I might find one new decent addition to who I can call a friend once every few years

  12. Been there. Fact is, you’ll hardly get any real friends in life after this point. Everyone will have their own set of priorities where ages old friendships keep going down in the list, forget new ones. I too found and lost too many people during 18 to 22 years of age.

    Does that mean world is just friendless now onwards? No. You’ll find new people in every stage of life who will leave you after their share of time in your life is up. New ones will take their place. What we can do is, enjoy to the fullest whatever we have. You’ll find atleast one person worth keeping forever. There you’ll have to invest generously (mainly in terms of time. If they demand too much financial generosity, RUN) to keep that connection live.

    In short, see it like this. So far you lived in a small pond of few fish. Now you’ll make transition to vast ocean full of millions of fish.

  13. Don’t you kids have that whole “I don’t make friends I make followers” mantra? Sorry, I guess it’s time to get on TikTok. Personally, my advice is go to a bar, order some iced tea, and tell random people your interests until something sticks. Not sure if means anything to you W L Rizz Cappers.

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