What makes you be more on time and early to events, work, time with friends?

  1. I start to get ready *ridiculously* early. I don’t function well when I’m stressed, everything tends to go wrong and it puts me in an anxious and cranky headspace, so I just make sure I have lots of time to change my mind about outfits, makeup etc., or even just relax a bit and check my phone or PC inbetween steps.

  2. i just dont want to make people angry by being late, aka my anxiety

  3. Being brought up in the Midwest. “If you’re not 10 minutes early, you’re 5 minutes late”.

  4. I don’t like to make people wait for me; it’s a form of respect. I know how it feels to wait for someone who is always late.

    Besides that, I don’t like to rush or run in order to arrive on time.

  5. That’s just how I’m built. Early to every meeting with everyone except for first dates.

  6. My respect for other people’s time. Being late to events and making people wait for you is basically telling people “I think my time is more valuable/important than yours”.

  7. I hate being late to begin with so that’s a good motivator

    I hate when OTHER people are late, and I don’t want to put anyone in that position

    I like to take my time getting ready no matter where I’m going/what I’m doing because I like to look good but also because I always forget something and not rushing helps prevent that

  8. I feel more and more anxiety the closer it is to being late, so I make sure I plan and am organised to get there early. I plan in advance how I’m going to get there, how long it’ll take, what time I therefore need to get ready, plan in some contingency time in case there’s any issues.

  9. I respect myself and others people time. It’s rude to be late and let people waiting. I plan myself according to my commitments

  10. I have a smart watch with timers, and alarms. I am lost without it during the week.

  11. Age. The older I got the more conscious I got of other people’s time.
    Looking back I can’t believe what a selfish douche I was rolling up a 1/2 hour late everywhere I went.

  12. Putting out two outfits to wear instead of just one.

    I tried not putting out anything and just planning what I’d wear. But inevitably whatever I had planned had disappeared into my closet.

    I tried putting out one outfit to wear. But inevitably I’d find that it had a huge stain that I hadn’t noticed before, or it just didn’t look right.

    So now it’s two

    Also, having come from a big city with unpredictable traffic, I got in the habit of leaving the house very early.

    And start getting ready early. Or else every step of my preparation will go wrong

  13. Leaving on the hour or half hour. Even if it only takes 12 minutes to get there, it’s easier to leave 30 minutes before and much easier to plan getting ready time in 30 minute chunks. If it takes less than that to get ready, then great, I get to work earlier which means I can leave earlier.

  14. Plain and simple, respect for other people’s time. If I’ve been requested to be somewhere at a specific time, I will be there. If it’s someplace I’ve never been before, I usually arrive early to scope out the parking situation and make sure I know where to go.

  15. I grew up on the east coast near DC, and then lived in NYC for several years. I just grew up with a culture that emphasized never being late to things.

    Because of that I do prepping in advance, like getting things ready the day before or much earlier in the day.

  16. I’m a timely person. I get to the destination early and take time to find parking and at least have hope that everyone’s gathered around the proper time.

  17. I like to get ready two hours before I have to go anywhere. That way I have enough time to shower, pick out my clothes, do my makeup, etc. it helps so I don’t have to rush the process. I’ve always been told to be on my way at least 30 minutes before I have to be there

  18. I just like being early, so I start getting ready long before I need to. I don’t find being 5-15 minutes late quite the insult some people seem to find it for casual meet ups, or even longer than that if I’m given a heads up. If someone’s going to be late I’m happy to start the activity without them and let them catch up. There are certainly times when being late is unacceptable, but I make that known in advance.

  19. My mom was 10 min late to EVERYTHING and it gave my major angst. So I’m early…to EVERYTHING

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