What was the craziest rejection from a woman you got/saw?

  1. If you take “no” for an answer, the rejection never really gets that crazy.

  2. That she didn’t date short guys.

    Sure, I was only 5’6″

    But she was 4’10”

  3. She starts grinding up against me in a nightclub dancefloor. I put my hand on her shoulder.

    I’ve never been looked at with such absolute disgust in my entire life. She looked at me as if I was a literal piece of shit.

    Fuck that bitch.

  4. Oh boy, this is a fun one for me. I’ll do my best to get through the nuances.

    18 years old, I was a late bloomer. I was in an 8 month relationship with the girl who took my virginity. Long story short, she was probably cheating on me the whole time.

    I graduated and my buddies had a party. Invited some girls up from Long Island. I had pretty much realized my gf was fucking around, so I started hitting on one of the LI girls. Eventually, we ended up having a sexual relationship (a few days).

    The LI girls leave and my boys agree that we’re going to go down for their graduation parties. The parents of the girl I slept with (2nd person ever) hosted a party for her and we went. Late that night she kinda disappeared from the whole party. After like 45 minutes, I decide to go check on her.

    She’s in her room with a dude who’s like 6’3″ and they were laying in bed together. I was like “what the fuck” and walked out. Went downstairs and started drinking again. Within 5 minutes this giant man opens the sliding glass door, and in the highest voice I’ve EVER heard from a male, says “you got a problem bro?” I legit laughed in this dude’s face and went back to drinking.

    About 30 minutes later, I’m jumping on the trampoline when the girl’s mom came out. She said “you know you aren’t good enough for my daughter. She’s destined for great things” and walked away.

    A week later I left for boot camp. The last I ever saw of my second sexual partner was her laying in bed with a dude 6 inches taller than me, built like an NFL tight end, and the most hilarious voice I’ve ever heard from a guy.

    I hope they’ve done well for each other. I heard they got married after college. I remained friends with some of her girls for a while, but it’s all fizzled away in the last decade.

    Not anything super crazy, but dude’s voice makes me want to laugh every time I think about this story.

  5. 2 contenders here:
    First one: was at a night club, in the smoking room. I finish my cigarette and walk up to a table with an ashtray.
    At the table there’s a girl and a few guys. I glance at her, with no intention of approaching and no interest in her. Meanwhile she reaches out towards my crotch with her hand – apparently there’s a guy behind me, coming to talk to her.
    At this point, I look at her with a weird expression on my face and she feels entitled enough to say: “EWWW, you thought i was reaching out for you?!?!?! That’s soooo disgusting!!!”.

    Second one: i was at the same night club, with a friend of mine, and he was looking at a woman about the same age as him (he’s like 6 years older than me, 36). The woman is sitting alone, in a booth, looking at her phone.
    I decided to try being a good wingman and approach her with the intention of introducing her to my friend. So I go up to her and ask “you look like someone, who’s looking for something exciting to happen?”
    Before she can answer, her friend walks up to me, makes a phone like hand gesture, and pretends the phone is ringing. I’m looking at her in confusion and she says: “you should take that, it’s your mom calling, telling you to go home”.

    In both scenarios, i just shrug it off as bitchyness, or Them having a bad day.

    For context, i had a longterm relationsship already, in both cases and i’m not an awkward guy, above average looks.

    I definitely get why guys dont approach women as much as they used to.

  6. Had a girl reject me and then tell everyone I was a homophobic creep and not to date me. 2 years later and people still haven’t forgotten lol

  7. Rape accusation for asking her on a date.
    That one was not me, but youch get a grip girl!

  8. She was racist and a rude bitch, she said i am sure you could find a nice Indian gf somewhere (i am not Indian, but i am brown), the problem is that i was asking her friend and she assumed it was her.

  9. Other way around, but in high school this girl who I was sat next to kept trying to feel me up, to the extent I felt uncomfortable and had to switch seats. She asked me out later that day, I told her I wasn’t interested. She responded by punching me in the face and stalking me for about a week.

  10. Top of my head was when I was in After School Program, playing ping pong with one of my female friends. Another guy started talking to her, he grabbed her hand, as if he was going to kiss it like she was royalty. She pulled it way and asked what he was doing and he looked so embarrassed.

    No hard feelings for anyone as far as I know.

  11. Well, I was actually already on the date with her when she briefly pulled out her phone and showed me her friend. Then, coincidentally, the same friend calls her 2 seconds later.

    Would you look at that! Her friend had a car accident, so she’s going to have to leave the date to go help! Oh, no! How tragic!

    I hope you can sense the sarcasm. She had her friend call her with a fake accident to ditch on me. I don’t know what bothered me more, the fact that she ditched on me, or the fact that she thought I was dumb enough to believe that scam. Either way, I know I dodged a bullet, and I got a good story out of it.

  12. My buddies and I passed a group of girls on the sidewalk, and one of them pre-emptively yelled “No thank you, were not interested! No pickups tonight!!”.

    We just buret out laughing because we were on our way to meet a different group of girls, and hadn’t said a word to them.

  13. I watched a woman get so upset in high school she drop kicked a dude through a window.

    So for context this girl was considered like, “The Catch Of The Century” by most guys. I couldn’t careless about people at that time in my life so I didn’t bother with her, but oh you better BET the other guys wouldn’t leave her alone.

    So, one day I was just chilling at my locker between periods and lone behold who’s being bothered by a guy. He was asking her out but no one at this point knew she was into other women. So she shot him down without a second thought….Then another dude immediately walked up an asked the same stupid question. Rinse and repeat. I watch a group of 7 dudes each take turns shooting their shot.

    By the last guy he was a bit forward and put his hands on her shoulders, I guess he was trying to make eye contact or get her attention or whatever. THAT AS A BAD CHOICE MY BROTHA! She basically kicked him full force back into the door to the stairwell that went up and also outside.

    He slammed into the window hard enough to crack that glass schools use with wire in it? YUP that glass. She wasn’t done though. All I heard was a gruntled like angry growl I wanna say? And SMASH! glass breaking. I look up and go running over. She’s laying on the floor crying cause she slammed her head off the tiles, and buddy was on the floor in front of the door gushing like a sprinkler from his arm being shredded like cheese. I asked what happened and my friend was dying laughing saying she tombstone drop kicked him into the door.

    (Technically no he didn’t go through the door but his arm sure did)

  14. A girl rejected me for being too old. I was 25. She was 23.

    Later, we dated for half a year, we eloped, we went on a crazy backpack trip around Europe, we made love in the craziest places, we burned each other out

  15. Apparently she had heard something from her friend who had rejected me some weeks earlier ( I had no idea they knew each other) and proceeded to write me a message filled with harsh insults towards myself, people I used to date and anyone who would date me. To be clear I had never met this person in real life at that point and we had barely chatted before. I later found out that what really set her off was ‘I had expressed my feelings towards her friend and then I was on Tinder’. First of all those feelings were that I was potentially interested in dating said friend seriously, she wasn’t interested in that. And she saw Tinder more as just a hook up app of sorts, which really didn’t match my experience or the main intentions. And even if it did there would’ve been nothing wrong with doing so, I was a single man.

    The funniest part was that on her profile she called herself compassionate and empathetic. Dodged two pretty big bullets right there.

  16. I asked a girl out to get dinner or some food at a cafe and she said she couldn’t because she was in a competition with her friends to see who could make it the longest without eating out….

  17. I did great with dating and got married with a great woman but one that upset me back then was a girl that loved my pics and lifestyle but after talking on the phone she didn’t like my accent so she canceled our date. I’m an immigrant from Europe she is local Canadian. Anyways it turned out for the best cause my wife (also Canadian) loves my accent and I still have it.

  18. One time I approached a girl at a bar and just said hello and smiled and told her my name. The first thing she says to me is “I don’t talk to short guys” (I am 5’8”) and I couldn’t control my mouth so I snapped back “and I don’t normally talk to complete bitches either, but here we are.” She smirked and her friends laughed. I think there was some mutual respect there by the end. Other than that, everything has been pretty normal as far as being rejected goes.

  19. I was too young to be her bf, but me and her friends with benefits 🫠
    Like explain that shit to me, like we already fucking, why can we just add going on dates to that.
    On top of that she was like a few years older than me, I was 22 and she was 26

  20. Together for a few years. Bought a house together. Animals. One day “I don’t see a future with you anymore”


  21. Had a buddy one time when we were walking through a mall notice a girl. Told him he should go get her number, even said the famous “the worst she can say is no.”

    Boy was I wrong.

    I stayed within earshot of the whole thing and it went as follows:

    Bud: “Hey there, I was just passing by and thought you were really cute. Could I get your number and take you out sometime?”
    Girl: (Looks up from her phone, looks my buddy up and down one time) “Ew.”

    That was the day we learned that she can always say something so much worse than just no.

  22. I got accused of emotionally cheating (with what is basically my little sister) and 12 hours later she’s poster her ex and I’m blocked

    He abused her in multiple ways
    Also physically

    Now everytime I open my phone sometimes about him being her everything
    Or let’s smash on everyone of her posts

  23. I heard my friend saying the meet didn’t go well because he ate the banana after completely peeling it off rather than doing it a little while enjoying the banana. So crazy right?

  24. Army buddy at the club, asks a girl if she’d fancy a dance, conversation was brutal :

    *noisy club*

    Him: “You fancy a dance?”

    Her: “I don’t dance with <insert racist label>s”

    Him: *leaning in, above the noise* “Sorry, what’d you say?”

    Her: “I said I don’t dance with <insert racist label>s”

    Him: “What, uh okay, but how is that relevant right now?”

    Her: “Because you asked me to dance”

    Him: “No, I didn’t. I said you look fat in those pants”

  25. I’ve had a few call me too short despite being 5ft11

    But I think they were “being nice” instead of just telling me I’m ugly

  26. Had someone I grew up with and was friends with that I asked if she wanted to go to a dance with me in Jr high and she didn’t answer just stood up and walked away then never spoke to me again and actively avoided me….

  27. I’ve seen some pretty wild rejection stories, but one that sticks out is when a friend of mine tried to kiss a girl he had just met at a party. She immediately turned him down and then proceeded to spit in his face. Needless to say, he was pretty shocked and embarrassed, but we all got a good laugh out of it afterwards. It just goes to show you that rejection can come in many forms!

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