Recently I’ve noticed that the only thing that gets me horny at all anymore is my boyfriend. Looking at porn no longer turns me on and it feels really boring to watch. I’ve also lost interest in masturbation almost entirely, other than using it as a way to help me fall asleep sometimes. This has never happened to me before. I’ve always had a fairly normal/average interest in porn and self pleasure, but none of it is desirable to me anymore. I think part of it may be that I finally have a really good and fulfilling sex life with my boyfriend. Nothing really compares to having sex with him so I guess my brain just isn’t interested in anything sex related unless it’s specifically with him. It’s not like my libido is dead, I’d even say I’m more horny than ever when I’m with my boyfriend. I just find it a tad odd that I no longer have an interest in porn or self pleasure anymore. Has this happened to anyone else when being in a relationship?

  1. Are you in love? I felt that way when I started dating my now fiancé. The thought of another penis literally disgusts me. I want him and only him. Plus the sex is so out of this world nothing compares. But I do still pleasure myself about 1 time a week! But porn doesn’t do it like it used to lol

  2. I used to masturbate thinking about fictional sexual scenarios that didn’t involve me or anyone I know. Then I started to prefer thinking about my boyfriend too once we started having sex.

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