What’s the worst advice you received when young?

  1. Enjoy life while you’re “young”. I’ve come to realize as an adult every generation experiences life and the economy differently. Mid 30’s here and I can confidently say my parents circumstances were vastly different thanks to inheritance on my dads part and that they grew up in an economy where it was safe to have fun when they were young. Where as generations now must plan very early on for their trajectory so as to be prepared to own a home and raise a family in this state of economy. I’m also speaking for the majority not the outliers who comes from well off to wealthy families who can supplement what most Americans can’t for their children

  2. It isn’t illegal if you don’t get caught. There are so many other things that can go wrong with that it’s not even worth the risk.

  3. “Ignore the bullies.”


    Sure. You try ignoring a bully who’s stepping on your chest and spitting on your face. Just ignore him. Sure.

  4. Use this tub of partially hydrogenated margerin to butter your bread and to cook with. It’s healthier than butter.

  5. A lot of teachers, and even some adults pushed hard to ‘go to college, even if you don’t know what you want to do, explore and you’ll figure it out’ but fail to mention that while you’re ‘exploring’ and ‘figuring it out’ you’re spending a shit ton of money you don’t have.

  6. When I got my first job that had a 401k program, my dad telling me not to put any money into it and instead, to buy rare coins to hide my money from the government.

    Thank god both of my parents have pensions, after my dad dies someday I’m fully expecting to find that his own coin collection is totally worthless.

  7. Just buy it, you can afford it

    Just work hard and the company will notice

    Just ignore them, they’re just jealous of you

    High school should be the best time of your life

  8. “Don’t waste time with tears.”

    Still have trouble just genuinely crying to this day. Even for those sappy movies I love I look like a psychopath just white knuckled as I hold back the waterworks.

  9. When I was 19, older men told me these were my golden years and to fuck as many women as possible.

    I ended up following that advice and hurting a bunch of people for something I didn’t even care about because I was trying to please the invisible force of masculine approval and validity.

  10. Study hard at high school. High school teaches you nothing. I developed major depression and suicidal ideation because of that. The less you go to school, the better

  11. My Father and “the talk” – Son if you’re with a girl and she’s not moving around much, pull out and stick it in her butt. Girls love that. She’ll be all over the place.

    Dad, tried what you said. You were half right. She definitely started moving.

  12. To stop questioning authority/adults… I’ve realized that just because someone is older than me or in a position of authority, does not mean they are going to do the right thing or that they know what’s best.

  13. If you’re kind and respectful towards women they’ll fall in love with you. I got this a lot from female family members. Even last year when I was getting a haircut for a date the old woman cutting it said the same thing

  14. Work hard in your 20s and early 30s and try and make partner at a big firm.

    Every partner I know is divorced and has no work/life boundary, they grew up in that office and missed a lot of anniversaries and birthdays and school assemblies. They may be millionaires now but it’s an empty life.

  15. When I wanted to pick up girls: “Ignore them.”

    I followed it. I never talked to them; therefore, I never scored.

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