I answer calls at work and there was a girl whose calls I’d always get. Well one day she randomly messaged me and after that it was everyday about anything and every thing. I felt a little weird about making a friend like that at work but we had a lot in common and I was always smiling. She had a girlfriend at the time which I was respectful but they broke up. Up until then we hadn’t met even though at work we’re on neighbor buildings and we had been messaging for a year. Looking back we met because I went to the fair to see her even though I was planning on going a different day. she never had the intention of meeting me which I understood when she was taken. After we met I started to visit her before she started work. I would give her little gifts like her favorite drinks and leave sticky notes. Every time we made plans she would cancel or “forget” one time I was dressed and even got out of work early but she ditched me. The messaging eventually slowed down. During Christmas I bought this special edition jersey she wanted and I asked a few times when we could meet up but she was always too busy for me so I ended up keeping it. She knows I bought that for her and even then she never made the effort to make time. I wrote her a letter to confess my feelings and we continued to text for a few weeks until she texted me on new years eve to say she would never date me and that she was still single but seeing another girl and that I needed to respect their boundaries. Broke my heart the last day of the year. Not to mention i waited a few months after the break up to tell her I liked her because she was working on herself and didn’t want to date. When she said all that it left me confused and I felt like my heart was being ripped out because she had told me a few times that she would consider dating me if she was single and that I was an amazing girl. I have never dated anyone or gotten attention from someone and I was finally getting a little attention. Im not the girl people get crushed on. It makes me feel used like maybe she would only message me when she was at work bored. I guess delusional me thought I had a chance now I’m left still single and with a jersey for a sport I don’t even know anything about lol

One time she wanted a hat and there was a coupon to drop it from 40 to $15 but it didn’t work. But I lied and said it worked for me and I edited the receipt so she would be happy that she got a 15 dollar cap but in reality I paid 40. I never told her that.

All of this makes me feel really dumb and there’s no one I can talk to about this I can’t count the number of times i cried by myself about her. She still messages me but is she really my friend because it seems like she doesn’t want anyone in her life to know about me? I don’t know what I should do because I did so many things wrong and was stupid. We never talked about this in person and probably never will. Why does she continue to message me if she’s with someone else?

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