This is embarrassing to admit but I’m 27 and have about 1 friend that I’m not even really that close with. I like her, but we’ll never be ‘best friends’ because we don’t click that way but she’s a great person and she’s really supportive.
Aside from that, I have no other friends. I don’t have someone to talk to or who initiates contact first, or someone to go grab drinks with. I feel like I’m really missing out on life because I am so lonely and self conscious about doing things alone. I’ve never felt like I truly connected with another girl on a comfortable level where I could be myself and I have to assume something is off about me because I can’t say I genuinely vibe with someone or what that person would be like if they did exist.
I get super uncomfortable around girls and don’t want to come off weird or cross a boundary that would be offensive. Girls also are pretty touchy and comfortable with others but I HATE it. It feels so sexual and I don’t want it to come off that way whatsoever.
But, I still have a longing to have a group of friends, but I don’t know if I’ll ever truly be comfortable around them enough to be authentically me. Or if I am myself, I’m afraid they won’t like me.
Is something wrong with me?
Are there any tips on how to make better connections and friends with other women?
Please help me out, I’m tired of having no friends.

  1. You can start by doing activities you like and meet new people there. There might be someone or more people you ‘click’ with. As you are already doing something you like, pretty big chance you have a common interest. There might be sites organising meet ups in your area for example.

    Be interested in people, listen and ask questions (try not to make it an interview though) and be open to opportunities.

    This is one way that works for people to make friends. A friend of mine joined a sports club and met most of his current friends there. I met a lot of people at former jobs that I vibed with and still meet regularly.

    For some people it’s harder to make friends than others. Just try things out and keep going.

    Edit: forgot to mention, keep looking for people you can be yourself around. Don’t settle for less.

  2. What are your hobbies? Do you like reading? Do you practice any sports?

    My wife is the same. She has barely no friends, but she seems fine with it. She is very introspective and doesn’t like to small talk.

    On the private though, she is quite open. She posts sensual content in reddit and loves the attention. (No face of course).

    Each individual is particular, but for someone like my wife, friendship comes usually with introspective people.

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