I have been together with my girlfriend for a little over a year now, she’s amazing and I love her very much, however the sex is just bad. This mainly is because she just does not get wet at all when I touch her. With my ex I was used to extensive foreplay while just enjoying her wet pussy. With my gf it more or less feels like I just want to get it over with as soon as possible. When fucking she eventually gets wet, but at that time we skipped the foreplay, there’s no buildup. I hate to say it, but it makes me miss sex with my ex.

I have tried to subtly tell her my concerns, but she’s just so sensitive about the topic, it seems like I can’t really talk to her about it without her getting insecure and feeling unwanted.

I also tried bringing lube into the party, but it’s just not the same.

Don’t really know how to handle the situation, hoping to get some advice!

  1. I mean, I would definitely not bring my ex into the conversation if you do.
    Don’t compare two people. They’re very different individuals and can not change their individualism.
    What you can do is bring up concerns you have such as “I feel as though we don’t have enough foreplay, how do you feel about this?”

  2. Definitely don’t bring your ex up in a conversation, but does she masturbate? If so, would you both be open to using toys during foreplay?

  3. I know other people have mentioned it, but definitely don’t mention the ex. Will only play on her mind when you’re getting it on with her, which will make her situation worse.

    How is your communication during foreplay? Does she tell you whether you’re hitting the right spots, or what kind of foreplay she likes?

    Another thing is the environment – I find with my gf if she’s not getting wet enough it’s quite often because she’s not relaxed enough and there’s something stopping her getting into the zone. So talk to her about what sort of environment she likes to have sex in – does she like music so people can’t hear her? Is it too cold/too hot? Lighting? Things like that!

    Hopefully that helps a little bit!

  4. Can we just remember that women’s bodies are all different, this includes getting wet.

    I don’t always get wet, it doesn’t mean I’m not enjoying it in the slightest.

    There are a lot of factors as to why/why not, how much or how little, how quickly/slowly a woman gets wet.

  5. Ummmm have you never heard of LUBE? Just because she’s not getting as wet as the Niagara Falls doesn’t mean she isn’t turned on and feeling good. Hormones have much to do with it. 🤦‍♀️

  6. Did you try different lubes? Some will feel unnatural/like oil, some make her dry out more, the list goes on. get one with good ph and osmality and one that’s natural feeling

  7. If you skip the foreplay, the vag can just not be ready for anything else and so no, it’s not going to be very wet. She could just be one of those people who doesn’t have a lot of lubrication, but why would that make sex bad? You can use other lube. Are you thinking something like wetness=excitement, cos it really doesn’t always work that way

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