**TL;DR – I’m afraid to message a girl on Messenger because it feels cringe, but I want to change that. I had a positive interaction with her during an assistant police officer training. I believe she knows about me and my brother through some online search. I would like to message her but don’t know what to say. I’m introverted, lack confidence, and used to be overweight. I dislike my pictures and don’t post them on social media. I need tips on how to start a conversation with her.**

Hey, sorry if I have any typos. English is not my primary language. Some time ago, I made a post expressing my lack of confidence and fear of talking to strangers. However, it turns out that wasn’t entirely true. While I don’t have a problem talking to people in general, when it comes to someone I’m interested in, my brain tends to freeze like an error 404 page.

Recently, I attended an assistant police officer training where I had great interactions with a few girls. One of them caught my attention, and whenever we spoke, it felt like she was genuinely interested in what I had to say. She even mentioned seeing my brother, who works as a police officer, while he was on duty. These signs make me think that she may have done some research and knows that we are brothers, not just random guys with the same last name (which is quite common in my country).

I really want to message her on Messenger, but I find it awkward and cringy. I’m unsure about what to say since the only information I know about her is her age, the city she lives in, and that she is a single mom.

I should also mention that I consider myself introverted (self-diagnosed) and lack confidence, partly because I used to be extremely overweight at around 137 kg about a year ago. Currently, I’m 22 years old, 188 cm tall and weigh 102 kg. I have never had confidence in myself and always felt like people were laughing at me whenever they saw me. I dislike every picture of myself and never post any on social media.

I would really appreciate some tips on how to initiate a conversation with her and what to say.

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