Holly, I can’t believe time passed by so fast. I was living life to the fullest, traveling 3-4 times a year. Hanging out and meeting new people every weekend and running my business 7 days a week. I was living the nomadic life too, until the world stopped in 2020 and I became a hermit until now. It sounds weird but I loved that new phase. My social life deteriorated but I’m not sad about it, I actually embraced being on my own, improving myself, working on my stuff and now that I realize, 2 years and a half are gone. I’ll be 35 soon, and I am not sure if I should continue where I left of or if I should swift my focus to other areas of life.

  1. I suggest reading”Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl and see what you come up with. It’s a quick read, but heavy.

  2. At some point in our lives we switch from living for external things to internal things.

  3. if you are happy doing what you’re doing now, I personally see no reason to pivot to where you’d left off

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