| (23M) & my bf (22M) met in October 2021, we first started a friendship as he was in a long distance & open relationship with someone else. Fast forward to December & we have been meeting everyday & hanging out every second of the day. Ofcourse the sexual tension between us kept growing till he eventually pulled a move & kissed me, all while hes still in his relationship. 3 weeks pass by & he ends his relationship & we start dating right away in 2022.

Our relationship continued to July before it ended in an argument. We have been fighting often at that point & in the middle of a conversation he pulls the “we should end this” card. He takes it back & starts to profusely apologize for it, but it was too late. Once i heard these words i stuck to my ego & decided to hold on tight to that decision he took & have him face its consequences.

We lightly kept contact all through the year & by January 2023 i had already began dating someone new which I informed my Ex about & he had someone else that there was something between them cooking. Fast forward a month & half in February, i leave my rebound relationship with the new guy & ask my Ex to get back with me. Few bumps along the road & we do get back together exclusively with the rule of that we will start dating till we finally get the hang of the relationship & feel that we know each other perfectly for us to make it official.

Now to present time, yesterday we were speaking when i opened up to him about how i feel that he has been restricting himself from our connection & many inconsistencies started to show. He finally tells me that he has been considering a break up whenever we would argue or fight or just simply not be having a good day. I felt a very heavy weight getting placed on my heart. I love him alot & i dont want to ever lose him but i also want to protect myself just in case if he pulls a fast one like last time & just breaks up with me out of nowhere.

He mentioned that he will start therapy to fix our relationship as he sees that most issues & pressure that comes from this relationship is from his end & that he wants to fix it, but im scared. I spoke to him regarding therapy that whoever is giving him the session may suggest a break up or that maybe we just arent meant for one another. He assured me that then he would change his therapist since he will communicate with his therapist from the first session that he just wants me & wants to fix the relationship. Thus he expects the therapist to help him keep me & make him able to show love & be consistent as he finds that very difficult.

I suggested that we take some distance since im scared of the outcome & i dont want to build my hopes up for them to come crashing down on me if he ends the relationship. But he assured me that a break up isnt an option he has in mind & he even asked me to bare him just till he gets therapy & works his issues out.

Ill be honest & say that im someone who has always been in a relationship & i just grew up seeing love all around me, thus i really want to feel it too. While hes someone who grew up very independent & almost without any sense of love around him. Hes factual & im emotional, he would rather solve his issues right away while id rather cry about them first. Our love languages are also very different. I prefer physical contact & acts of love & he prefers communication & verbally including each other in conversations. His way of showing love to me is always preserved as the bare minimum.

Im not sure what to do anymore. Part of me wants to wait it out, & wait for him to get therapy & possibly get better in communication & dealing with our relationship. But another part just wants to end it to get some sense of control over this situation that i have zero control in. Its like im scared he would leave me thus id leave first. How should act in the future regarding all of this?

  1. How long are you willing to put your life on pause for a potential outcome with him you have no idea if you’ll actually get?

    Let him go to therapy.

    In the meantime, you should continue focusing on yourself, even if that means dating someone new.

  2. I think having thoughts of breaking up is all the information you need. This feels one-sided. You also have the power to break up with him, he’s not the shot caller.

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