He is a nice gentleman and we met online, we only hung out twice and both times were really nice dates at steak houses (which I love! A love a good ribeye!). But after the second date I kind of told him I wasnt really feeling it as far as going on a third. This happened last week but he has asked 3 times in the last week why and what changed etc? I have only known this guy two weeks, is it normal to give a breakdown of why you lost interest? I have already told him twice I wasnt feeling it, what else??

  1. Unfortunately, some people quickly become emotionally attached and assume that one good date means they’re “in the clear.”

    If you want to be courteous, politely tell him exactly why you lost interest so that he can work on that for his future dating life.

  2. he should respect the fact that you’re not interested, that should be enough that any sane person goes ‘oh no worries, that’s fine’ ofc your ego would be a bit bruised but you’d move on. If you want you can give him an explanation but my thinking is he’s only going to further into arguing against why your valid reasons are not valid

  3. Tell him there’s nothing wrong with him, you just didn’t feel a romantic connection. And then don’t respond if he tries to contact you again.

  4. Block him. Hopefully he’ll learn from that not to go on expensive dinner dates with women who haven’t earned it..

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