How iconic is the Golden Gate Bridge in the US and globally?

  1. It gets destroyed in a bunch of disaster movies, which is the best measure of iconicness of a structure I know.

  2. It’s one of the few bridges I can recognize from a photo. And it shows up in a ton of movies.

  3. I’d put it in the top 5 man-made landmarks just behind the Statue of Liberty, the Capitol, and the White House. Maybe throw Mount Rushmore in there too.

  4. In the US? Extremely. Outside the US? I don’t know because I don’t live there.

  5. Pretty iconic in the US, I’d say. Los Angeles is the largest city in California and the second largest in the US, and the Golden Gate Bridge is still the more iconic landmark used to represent California.

  6. It’s featured in a lot of pictures (ex. computer backgrounds) and movies, but it never comes up in conversation.

  7. It’s probably the most well known bridge by name in the US with the Brooklyn Bridge behind it. Last time I was there I noticed a number of foreign tourists and most people who are aware of San Francisco associate the bridge immediately with it, probably the most well known bridge in the world along with the current iteration of London Bridge.

  8. It is truly stunning to see. I was born in SF so sometimes I just don’t think about it. My friend brought a German woman here who has dreamed of seeing the GG Bridge her whole life, and she could not stop crying. Literally for an hour she was busting into sobs, as we crossed the bridge and visited the lookout point. It was a very powerful milestone in her life.

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