
  1. Its not weird to not join in, but it depends how big your workplace is.

    If its a topic you could comment on, I usually do. A small comment or joke of some kind can then be socially picked up and you can gauge their reaction based on how they respond – if they smile wide and show open body language, you’re good to join fully. If they smile small, not reaching eyes, and only nod or say something that doesn’t really take the comment anywhere, they’re probably not keen.

    Or you could just acknowledge them by smiling and nodding at them or saying hi as you walki in, heat your lunch and leave.

  2. I would say “Hi” when I walked in the room, stand by the microwave for a little bit, and see if I have anything to add to the conversation. If so, walk over, don’t interrupt, but join in; if not, play on your phone while you wait for the microwave. So, don’t pretend they aren’t there, but don’t butt in without cause.

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