How do you respond to finding hair in your food vs. responding to your partner finding hair in their food?

  1. I send it back politely.

    My ex would make me send it back and then spend the next 3 days talking about how I am a “Karen “


    Hair in my food = instantly throw away food

    Doesn’t matter if it’s mine or someone else’s, hair in the food is fucking GROSS

  3. My partner would be completely grossed out and stop eating. Then he would start complaining to me about it until the end of time.

    Me? It depends. Is it my hair? The dogs hair? Oh well, pick it out and keep eating. Hair in my food at a restaurant? Politely let the server know and maybe ask for a new dish or just the bill.

  4. *finding hair in your food… (talking to your partner) “That’s disgusting, that’s put me right off that. I’m going to say something!”. Waiter walks past and asks, “How is your food?” Your reply.”Good, thank you. ” Very British.
    If your partner finds a hair and shows you, ” you better not say anything” (because it’s embarrassing), “I will get you a kebab when we leave.”
    Side note, my wife still says she is (classy).

  5. Me= Ewwwwwww. Appetite lost

    Him= flicks the hair away and keeps eating.

  6. Just take it out and keep eating. Both situations. I grew up in south-east Asia bruh, who cares about a hair.

    Sometimes if it’s an extra long hair then maybe I’ll just remove that chunk of food then keep eating.

  7. If it’s red, it’s mine. If it’s black/gray, it’s his. Any lobg hair doesn’t belong to either of us and we ask for a new dish to made if it’s at a restaurant.

  8. I’d have to be hospitalised if I were to observe a partner finding hair in their food because I’d be in an acute psychotic episode as I don’t have a partner.

  9. If its at a restaurant my man will take care of it and kindly tell the server for me lol. 😂 im kinda shyy.

    If its my hair ill just pick it out. He hasnt mentioned anything about finding my hair in food. I do try to be careful deliberately i have very long hair and love cookin. So either he hasnt gotten any or hes just eatin around it and politely not telling me. He also eats like a dog very fast so. Maybe he just eats the hair

  10. It’s an overall no from me.
    If I made it myself (or a particular loved one made it for me), I won’t like it, but I’ll just remove it (I don’t want them to feel bad). Someone else’s hair/at a restaurant/ ANIMAL HAIR? To quote RE4 Leon, “No thanks, bro.” I’ll have a new dish, please.
    One of the reasons I don’t like eating in stranger’s homes lol, especially if they have pets.

  11. I pretty genuinely do not care if I find a hair in my food. Even at a restaurant. Kitchens are meant to be clean, not sterile. Sometimes you’re gonna find a hair in there. It’s fine, it’s just hair, I’ll just pluck it out. Unless you’re serving me a plate full of pubes I could not care less

    Though I did grow up with a mother who would mix her *own* hair into the food just so she could cause a scene. That may have something to do with it. If she had been normal then maybe I wouldn’t view eating hair as more preferable than bothering a waitress

  12. He wouldn’t care at all. I don’t care very much if its a single human hair. I’m just so used to finding weird stuff in my food. I think some evil witch must have cursed me, because I find stuff at least once a month. From hair, to plastic, to rocks, to thorns. I just remove it, shrug it off and carry on.

  13. Both of us – make some silly comment and keep eating. He’s a hairy guy who I swear sheds more than my cat, and I have long hair that gets weird places all the time, so at this point it’s a running theme for both of us.

  14. My husband and me react both in the same way:
    Getting the hair out and continuing to eat. Why make a fuss about something like that?
    We both have long hair, and we have two cats….so yeah, it can happen.

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