When you can just speak a certain phrase and your Significant other knows what excatly you’re talking about plus they can finish your sentence …

  1. We can say a million thing with different intonations of a childish “NO!”

    It’s our thing.

  2. We sometimes hear each others thoughts, somehow. Or know each other well enough to get that feeling.

    My husband knows for example if I want a bottle of a drink. I don’t need to look there, I don’t need to say anything. He just smiles and passes me the bottle.

    Or we finish each others sentences because we know exactly what the other one means. We often think absolutely the same.

    And sometimes, we really enjoy funny over the top trashtalk when playing games. Our Ghost Recon “Trashtalk RP” is lots of fun.

  3. I always match his compliments and they just end up evolving over time.
    Him: “you’re pretty”
    Me: “you’re pretty”
    Him: ” You’re prettier”
    Me: “well youre the prettiest man in the United States of America” (we’re in Australia)

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